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Problem Organizing My Portfolio


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I would really like to organize the files within a given folder in my portfolio

so that like images can go together without having to create a whole new folder

or sequential images can follow one another in the correct sequence.


I can't seem to figure out how to do this. Is there a way to organize the images

within the folders in one's portfolio?


Thanks in advance,



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Hi Ian, The Photonet software will really only allow creation and deletion of folders, adding and deleting images, and moving images from one folder to another. There are a few bells and whistles within that framework (upload multiple images, email images etc) but basically, that's it (unless I've inadvertently left something out)


So the usual option is to create folder categories that you don't yet have and move appropriate images to the new category and/or add new images to the new category and/or delete old folders and/or images.


AFAIK one cannot (easily) change the order in which the images appear; your newest images will be the first to appear and vice versa. The only way I know to change the order is to delete older images then re-add them so they'll appear before others. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but that's the way I understand it.


There aren't a lot of frills - for better or worse. Good luck!

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Do 2 "move images" for each image e.g. move all the images you want to sequence to "Single Images" folder, then move them back to original folder in (reverse)order you want. Generally the last image moved is the one that is viewed first. Some exceptions, but usually works.
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