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Been away for a while...

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... and only returned recently after about 10 months or so.

I posted some new photos and received very few rates, comments or views.

Basically the systems seems to have a much lower activity level than it used to

have a year ago or so.


Has anybody noticed this and is there a specific rason for it?


Of course I am quite ready to accept that nothing has really changed other than

the interest towards my photos or even their quality.




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I am new. But because I take time and review peoples work, I have noticed the past years 04' so on, I have noticed people took their time with comments and so forth. I understand that there are a lot of photos being posted at once and it seems over whelming at times, but I feel everyone should take time if they are going to critique it, even if they only get through just a few of them. Or if you see someone else post a critique that resembles what you were going to say, move along to the next one so that everyone has a chance to recieve some advice or praise. There is no easy way when you have this many people at 4 pics a day popping up every few seconds. I guess we all just have to find a way to cope and enjoy what we can and take the advice we do get and use it to our benefit.
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The number of views has decreased because the method of counting views has changed. Search the feedback forum for when and how it changed. The short story is now the view stats you get are more accurate and reflect the real number of times your picture is actually opened and viewed.


As for Ratings, forget them. Give meaningful, well thought out comments, and you will receive the same. Takes time and work though.



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I am fairly new to this site but have been a mystified at the way it works. It seems that almost the instant you post a photo, several anonymous ratings appear that always seem very low. (Where do these come from?) Later a few ratings appear from members and are usually much higher. It all beats me. It seems to me absurd to rate photos without comment - what's the point? Some years ago I posted some pictures at PhotoSIG where you can't rate a photo without a comment and I have to say I think that is more useful. On the whole the photographic quality on this site is far superior but the rating and comment systems leave a lot to be desired. I can't really see the point of a comment that says 'great pic' or 'wow' and nothing else. It is generally a bit disheartening to post pictures and have very little notice taken, but the rate at which new photos pop up on the site is overwhelming and so one is left picking up the striking ones before they fall off the bottom of the list!
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I recognized the same. I was more or less inactive - with some exceptions for a while.

The rating do say nothing to me anymore - while it was a good indicator in earlier time - now the spread is huge - even with photographs that are not hard to read.

And yes - I get nuts about those comments "congrats" - just meaning have a look at my portfolio.

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A lot of good photographers left because of the weird rating system and the 3's that would pop up almost before the photo showed up in the rate recent category. I have been told that the site uses some sort of logorithm to do that, which seems to have nothing to do with the quality of the photo, to try to keep certain photographers or whatever from being over-rated by their friends.
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