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lost infromation in bridge

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I am sorry to post again-either know one has an answer or I got lost in the

volume-I have tried to search this answer but to no avail.I have a mac G5 and

use cs2 and bridge. I was transfering about 20 old raw files from i-photo to my

bridge. For some reason they came in as j-pegs so I just sent them to the

trash. Now here is my problem-a lot of my folders in bridge are now GONE. I

take a lot of time to place my photo's in folders,date them by years etc. Now

when I go to the year my folders are gone. Even my keywordsI I set up in bridge

are gone. Yes I have an external back up so my photo's are there but I want to

get my bridge back in order. What did I do?


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Thanks for the response Ellis-I will have to get back with you since the problem is on my home MAc and I am at the office. But I really don't remember. I took a cs-2 course a while back with Rick Davis and we set it up then. I have had no problems since I started 9 months ago.Is ther something you are thinking of?
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Mendel-no need to be ticked-that is why I started my response the way I did. -I even

apologized about posting twice ahead of time.This happens to be my first post and I

assumed if no one answers the first day the chances of someone going back and finding me

would be slight. I will take your advice and wait and hope my fellow photographers find my

thread and rescue me.

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