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30D Upgrade?


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You can shoot the 40D tethered shooting style soon when the best prognosticators here predict the 40D will be announced this September. Most likely the same specs as the 400D but with the magnesium shell. Check back around Aug. 15 as the expert Canon forecasters start warming up for their semiannual tea leaves party.
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I hope it is better than the 400D, I have both and have to say the 400D is totally amateur compared to the spec and feel of the 30D, and size does matter, well physical anyway, the feel in the hand of the 30D is so much better, and the extra features are well worth the money, as for the slightly smaller resolution on the 30D, a minor annoyance, the picture quality of the 30D and the extra features that it offers makes the 30D a MUCH better camera, lets hope the 40D (or whatever it will be) will be a better spec, and not anything that should be compared to the 400D.
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was a huge step for me with regard to performance/features. but when it comes to IQ i notice

little difference in the prints i make.


if you have something like a film camera or D60 (or even 10D), than 30d is certainly worth

the upgrade. If you have a 20d, then i'd say wait until it dies completely and then buy what's

on the market at that time.

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First. . .I have not seen any major review that claims the 30D image quality is superior to the 400D. Honestly. . not sure I have even seen a comparison. There is reason to believe that the 400D is superior to the 30D. Noise is probably equivilent. . and resolution is higher.


Second. . . there is no reason to believe that the 30D will be replaced in the fall. Normally, Canon fall announcements are keyed to the Photokina show. . .which is not being held this year.


Third. . . Note that by Fall, replacements would be expected for the 5D (which will be elderly at 2 years old), 1DS-III (Rumours have been out there for months) and the 30D (which will be 18 months old, and was arguably obsolescent when introduced). Canon will NOT introduce three models in the fall. TWO would be a push.


Recommendation: Not a bad time to be shopping Nikon :). If you like the fit, finish, and size of the 400D. . buy that now. If you are hankering for a 30D. . .well. . .ok. . .maybe you might want to wait for the summer rebates. Remember. . .the 30D price has nowhere to go but down.

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30D was announced at PMA Feb/06. I got my 30d as soon as it was available. I love this camera and find it does everything I want it to do. I understand there is a rumor of a 40D but it would have to be a tremendous upgrade for me to trade in the 30D. Bottom-line - I have zero issues with the 30D, it is a superb camera.
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I was honestly surprised when Nikon didn't announce a 40D at PMA. Instead, they went with the 1D Mk III, which is now the camera that has me most drooling (should I ever win the lottery, as the price tag puts it well out of my reach).


This means now Canon has two points in their lineup where the "better" camera isn't 100 percent obvious. At the bottom, we've got the Rebel XTi with newer electronics and a higher MP rating than the more expensive 30D; true, the 30D is the more professional camera with a sturdier body, but newbies don't clearly understand that (as evidenced by several of the discussions on here). And the new 1D Mk III has many features to make it sought out over even its big brother, the 1Ds Mk II (weighing in at twice the price).


It just seems an odd choice to me. Neither of the 1D bodies were being threatened by any of the competition, they were clearly the kings of the hill in their respective niches. Meanwhile, there's the confusion being created between the Rebel XTi and the 30D, not to mention that the lack of any weather sealing on the 5D body makes it appear inferior to many when compared to its biggest competition, the Nikon D200.


Of course, the events of PMA go to show that no one outside of Canon's R&D department knows what they're up to (and likewise, the R&D departments at all the other camera manufacturers as well); I don't think anyone seriously guessed that the one dSLR body Canon would have announced would have been the one they did. Thus, anyone who speculates about what's going to be released at future shows, you've got about as much chance of getting a correct guess from a Gypsy fortune teller.

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