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Seruious amateur

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Bob, don't spend the $1800 on the best camera ... keep something for good (or even the best) lenses to go with your camera.


Even the best camera for $1800 will only produce mediocre results, if its equipped with a used $10 lens from e*ay.


Eventually plan in advance, which range of focal lengths you want to have covered after you've spend your money. Select the glass in good quality, use the rest for the camera body.

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Most everybody knows what opinions are like. There are different levels of 'serious amateur'. I use Canon equipment. On your budget I would look seriously at the Nikon D80 with either the 18-200mm VR lens or the (kit lens 18-55mm or 18-70mm) and the 70-300mm. Maybe throw in the 50mm 1.8. Alternatively with Canon I would opt for the 400D/XTi with something in the (17/18 to 35/40/55 range) the 50mm 1.8 and the 70-200mm 4.0 or 70-300mm IS. Either of these options runs right up to your budget but either will give you 'professional' capability that will allow you to achieve whatever photographic skill and image quality you have the potential to develop. Good luck.
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You need to handle models from Nikon (D80, D200), Canon (400D/XTi, 30d) and maybe the Pentax K10D. Ease of handling plus feature set will make getting good shots easier. Probably a two lens combo is best. For Nikon, 18-70mm plus 70-300VR probably makes most sense. Cannot really comment on Canon. For Pentax 16-45 plus the 50-200. Not sure of US prices though. My guess is that the Nikon D80 two lens setup will fit into your budget.
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