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Pros, what can I do with this image?

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My dear PS pros. I need help.

I snapped this picture of my father the other day.


Please, follow this link: http://www.photo.net/photo/5754430



As he does not like to be photographed while praying, I probably will not get

another chance to do it again. So, I want to take THIS picture and turn it into

something that I can frame and put it on my wall.

My Photoshop skills are OK for some things. However, I do not know too many

techniques of good post processing. I messed around with it already. I still

do not like it. I wanted to make it look a little mystical, surreal, and a

little bit like a painting. I do not know how to do it. Help, help?!...



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Mike, overall I don't think I'd change a thing. As is, it has the look you're after - very nice capture!


On the technical side, there are some artifacts around the candle that you probably should get rid of - not the glow effect, but some things that look like horizontal bars. Also, a little lens flare on the prayer shawl (left shoulder).


Other than that, I'd say leave it alone. Half of knowing when to quit is.....well, knowing when to quit.

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I know what you are getting at with the image. You are looking for more drama from it, like a dramatic shadow or less even lighting across the face. I don't think you can manipulate that - maybe you can, I don't know how. Otherwise the shot stands out fine the way it is. Remember.., you are close to this and know what you wanted but to the observer who knows nothing about the process behind it, the goal, what have you, the shot has impact.
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by the way I am no pro LOL but my thoughts were to darken the picture, to get some of the background out. it might have turned out a little red, but I am sure that you can adjust that.


I used layers to adjust the original pic that you had posted. and then used the erazer with with flow and opacity to bring some light back into his face and clothing.


Sorry I was/am not able to post the pics into this thread. But I loaded your original and then my quickly made suggestion so that you can look at both.

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The problem isn't technical: it's one of communicating the emotion you feel when you look


your father praying. To that end you need to pay more attention to his gestures and

expressions, in particular his hands and his eyes. You need to look through the camera at

your subject and shoot --or wait --till

what you see is in sync with what you as a human being see and feel.


When editing look for that sense of emotional engagement with who and what and

where is in the image. this is part of what Henri Cartier-Bresson referred to as "The


Moment (the other part of that is geometry of the arrangement of the elements in the

photograph (AKA Framing and composition) ).

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I'm with Ellis on this one. You can tweak the contrast and color all you want but the photo missed something. The focus appears to be on but his eyes look like he's in the process of a blink... a little out of focus and sleepy. I find it distracting and disrupts the mood.
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On the technical and not mystical side of things, the image actually does have a bit of

milky flare over the eyes.....would have to look at it at 100% in PS to be sure. If that's the

case then selective contrast in that area would be useful.

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I agree with most of what has been said here. What I think you are missing from the picture is that it wasn't shot with a short light. Meaning a light from the far side that creates a shadow side of the face closest to the camera.


If I was trying to work on this and I'm not sure it would help or not but I'd try two things:


"Burn" the close side of the face down a little and add catchlights at around 10 oclock that are not very bright but just add a small sparkle in the eyes.



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Wow, I did not expect so many suggestions from so many people. I greatly appreciate it. I notice that most recommend burning out the background completely, and adding a little more contrast to the subject. However, in the forum I encountered a problem with a site. Some artists attached their great attempts, and they come up as a link: ?Large photo attachment.? When I click on them I get an error: ?Not Found - The requested URL was not found on this server.? I really want to see those images. Anyone else encountered this problem? How do I get to see them?
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