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my dad has bought a couple of point and shoots off them with no problems.


Be aware they are based in Hong Kong so you may get stung with import taxes - my dad did on one of his purchases as he had it delivered to his place of work - the delivery note somehow ended up in the companies paperwork system at the same time as they were having a tax audit...

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yeah, They were reasonably good, although the UK warranty that came with it probably wasn't really valid as they hadn't filled in any of the vendor details. Fortunately I haven't had need to see if Nikon would honour it. I guess they sell grey market stuff essentially even if it is your local spec kit.


I did have some problems buying a filter for a overseas relative with them. Their credit card checks seemed silly. The stuff I got off them was via their ebay shop, and they refunded the import duty. That process was straight forward.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am just about to discover what their warranty means. My Nikon camera suddenly started to display a red line in all photos. It is under warranty. They asked me to get a quote from the local Nikon centre in Melbourne (Australia). The Centre said that the sensor has to be replaced. They didn't like cost and they asked me to send the camera to HK. I did that. After several weeks they told me the same thing as the Nikon centre in Melbourne, that the sensor has to be replaced. But they also told me that I have to pay for the repair (plus all postage cost of course) because it is not a manufacturing defect. They didn't say anything about why it is not a manufacutring defect. The documents they sent me shows that they just asked for a quote from Nikon HK and got just that. There is nowhere any reference to me being the cause of the defect. And I know I am not. The camera just started to display a red line in all photos (probably live pixels) after only three months of use. Digital Rev is just telling me that it is not a manufacturing defect and that is that. My advice: don't buy from overseas. If anything happens, it is most likely that you will have problems with the warranty.
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  • 5 months later...

to mi cri:


I am having a very similar problem with DigitalRev at the moment. A camera I bought from their eBay Australia store broke after just 4 months of LIGHT use and the repair centre that assessed the damage stated that there are no signs of misuse or external damage (which is what DigitalRev don't cover). The problem is that they also said that the cause of damage is unknown at present and may be identifiable upon repair (repair = $258!). DigitalRev refuses to accept the warranty claim because the repair invoice _doesn't indicate_ the problem is a manufacture fault (what they do cover). Considering that no WELL-BUILT camera should break down after just 4 months of light use (to have been more careful would have meant to leave it in the box it came in), it can be assumed that it's manufacture fault. Needless to say I've never dropped or misused it in any way.


I was hoping somebody could suggest what I could do to get the claim through - there is no way their refusal could be justified.

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