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Pros and cons of Minolta XG1


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Can anyone advise me the pros and cons of Minolta XG1. I saw the one in the

shop and I am getting it for USD 58 with lens and flash.


I read that its have some issues of combining the shutter speed, is that a deal

breaker issue?


Looking forward,





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Hi Riz,

the XG-1 was my first SLR, back in 1979 or 1980. I loved the smooth touch (I had the first version with the old Minolta logo) and the compact but practical design. The camera is quite and unobtrusive. The light meter was precise in many situations.

Constructional drawsbacks are the lack of manual metering or a memory lock for the light meter. The camera has the possibilty of exposure compensation, but I always had to put it down from the eye to press the button and turn the dial - not very handy.

Second drawback was the power switch, which seems to be a week spot. My cam had a fault after two or three years and the XG-1 of a friend had the same problem: The dial was loose and the electric contacts therefore didn't work. I'm not sure, but I guess later XG-1's had the newer "push"-switch and should not have these problems. I also had another problem with the electronics: the shutter went open, but didn't close. After service this was solved.


I would advice to look for a X-500/570 or a X-700 - better features, newer and not expensive.



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<li>if it's in good condition, a camera in a store is a known quantity vs. an unknown camera on eBay

<li>quiet shutter

<li>lightweight, compact

<li>$58 is reasonable

<li>uses modern batteries

<li>electronic shutter - probably still accurate




<li>much more plastic than older Minoltas. Not as durable.

<li>not as many features as the later X-700

<li>viewfinder not quite as bright as later models

<li>XE-7 goes for around $80, X-700 probably under $50 on eBay


<p>For the same price you could find a better Minolta cameras (or a Canon or Pentax, etc), but that might require the gamble of an online auction. A solid camera in the hand, with no shipping costs is worth a little more than the "lowest cost" you might find on eBay, so $58 is pretty reasonable.


<p>If you're looking at lots of cameras, this may not be the very best, but it's not a bad deal. Shop around some more if you really want something better. If it's this one vs. nothing, or vs. a point & shoot, do yourself a favor and buy it, buy film, and have fun.

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Stefan and Ben, Thanks for the reply.


Ben I have other options like:


- Olympus OM2

- Olympus OM10

- Minolta XG1

- Yashica FX-7


I have one option of Nikon FM2 but that out of my range I guess. That is about 165 USD.


Your feedback would be beneficial for me.


Looking forward,





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