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To Or Not To - Too Many Leicas?

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I already have 2 M3s and 1 M2, also M6TTL and M6 Classic. Now this beauty is

knocking on my door called "MP". Very attempting but am I going to be any

better off since I already have M6TTL? Or shall I get rid of M6TTL and get MP?

MPs are not cheap and resale value for a mint M6TTL is not all that much. Any

suggestions from people who have been in similar situations, please. Many

thanks in anticipation of good, sensible, logical and wise replies.

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I don't think there is any logical advice anyone can give you - you already have too many Leicas, unless you are only collecting.If you are using them (or really intend to use them) then I see no reason why you would own 5 Leicas and adding another one. What will the MP give you that either of the M6s doesn't? I think you suffer (like many of us) from serious GAS:-)
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I sympathize. You don't have too many Leicas. Don't sell anything you like because you

feel morally obligated too. And if you can afford the MP by all means get it. Remember:

You need a second body at times and a back up body. The should take care of your M6s

and MP. As for the M3s, they have bigger rangefinders which as especially good with fast

and telephoto lens. It's good to have a back up M3. The M2 is a gem in its own right.

Also, you probably use color and black and white film. Possibly you use films of different

speeds--or you will some day. And possibly you also shoot slides.


All those cameras are absolutely necessary.


If you want a real identity crisis, get an M8.

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I already had six Leicas (M2, M3, M6 Classic, M7, M6 TTL x2) When I bought my MP. I am not sorry I bought the MP. I love it. They all have a purpose, and all get used. Yes it is a luxury, but I don't spend much on other things, so I feel I deserve it. When the time comes that I don't feel I want or need that many any more, I can sell one or two. But I will never sell my M2, MP, or M6 .58!
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Afzal, Go through the exercise of the photo exhibition as before, sell the unused ones there to the highest bidder and donate the proceeds to the earthquake victims in Pakistan. They are forgotten and most are still homeless.


No, this was not posted with any mischief in mind and is a sincere post.

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Ah, but you don't have any Barnack Leicas mentioned - you could get a very nice collection together for the price of the MP alone and that would give you real a real difference (and even more Leicas!) Mind you, I have an M3, M6TTL(0.58) and a IIIa and do occaisionally seriously think about an a la carte MP, so I don't think you'd regret it.
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hello there,


here is my advice: what you choose to do depends on whether you follow your wants or needs. From a 'needs' view, you don't have any grounds for obtaining the MP, as the MP will not add any functionality you don't have currently. From a 'wants' view, there is almost no restriction or limitation; for rare is the man who has such control of wants that he willingly curbs them to fit his needs. Actually the reverse is the case with our consumptive and 'have for the sake of the having' ethic. So will you fabricate a want into a need? You must choose. My experience is that humans tend to take the advice they want to hear, and disregard the rest....to paraphrase simon and garfunkle.


end of my thoughts.



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I'm not sure why you would even ask that question, as you will do want you want, anyway. If you are asking for opinions...yes, getting another M is excessive and will not make you a better photographer. If you are a collector, that's another story. See? My opinion, which won't matter one way or another.
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You can never have too many Leicas! Buying a Leica is not a rational decision, as you probably know by now. I have a Leica M3 and a M6 TTL, but like you, I too have been tempted by the siren song (mixing metaphors here!) of the Leica MP! If you can afford it, get the MP. I will probably get one sometime later this year! :-)

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>>> Many thanks in anticipation of good, sensible, logical and wise replies.


In what ways do you find your current photos lacking that you think would be greatly

improved with another very similar camera? Go ahead and post some pix of what you've


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Afzal, if I were in your shoes, sitting on a pile of M lenses and film bodies, and enjoyed photography primarily with an M camera, I would seriously consider getting the M8 (assuming you don't already have it). To me, regardless of what your position is on digital vs. film, the M8 makes a more logical sense. You'll take more pictures, unhindered by having to lug more film with you or the cost of developing all of it to see what you got. The M8 certainly won't hold its monetary value in 2 years from today that an MP would, but the photographic value you receive from it would far surpass adding yet another film body to your already extensive M collection.
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You think you got problems. I just sold my M6 TTL 0.58. I swore I would never buy another rangefinder. Over and over again I said "never again". Well, I am now thinking of buying a M6 classic with the titanium finish. I mentioned it to my wife this morning. Boy did the **** hit the fan. Pray for me. Gus.
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I wrestled w/ this dilema recently. I have a brand new M7 and a M6 Classic that was in fabulous cond when I bought it a year ago. Still is. Bases covered.


Just the same I bought an MP mostly because I wanted to have a brassed camera. It has incremental features as you know but I look forward to it being brassed! someday.


Yesterday my wife asked if I bought a new camera. As my voice went up a few decibels I said that I had. I asked her how she knew. Then she told me this one was shiny black while the others were a dull black. YMMV

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