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Canon 30D with a Nikon 18-200mm

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You could mount the lens via an adaptor, but it would be virtually useless, since you would have no control over aperture, AF or be able to use VR. Instead, look out for how the new Sigma 18-200 OS lens performs (just becoming available) - at least the stabilisation, AF and aperture will all work with a Canon body.
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Image quality won't be very good, primarily as it will be out of focus and max aperture.


You do hear about adapters from Canon - Nikon, but these are all (as far as I'm aware) for the old Nikon / Nikkor / 3rd party Nikon fit manual focus lenses - with manual aperture dials.


You might be better off getting a couple of other lenses, The 18-55 which came (perhaps) with your 30D is okay for most situations, unless you want to do something fancy. I also got a 55-200 from Sigma which although EF-S suits my purpose - it only cost me around ?100 / $200.


hopefully this helps, although if you already have both lenses your coice is to sell either the body and move to Nikon, or sell the lens and get Canon kit (assuming you own both pieces).


best regards,

Guy Carnegie

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I know how you feel about canon not having a 18-200 IS lens.


Canon could have made such lens now , but instead they were busy developing and making high end lens like the 50mm 1.2 and 85mm 1.2 II, which only a handful could and would buy.

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