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New font for photo.net


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<I>Does anyone prefer the new font over the old?</I><P>


I sure prefer it over the sans-serif font that was experimented with yesterday. <P>


Sans-serif fonts are great for small amounts of text in brochures etc. But not good for large

bodies of text where readability is important. Serifs provide subconcious visual clues helping

in character recognition. That's why newspapers almost always use a typeface with serifs.

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Dick Tope, I went to Safari>Preferences>Appearance and changed the Standard font to Arial

Black 21. Wow! Now the pages like those in the Large Type books. There's another box

called Fixed-width font. I'm not sure what that means, but at least I'm off to a good start.

<happy eyes>



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golly gee ... if you don't like the font and are using Firefox, simply uncheck the option that disallows forcing of ones font selection. you can have it any way you want ... even the Courier New (yes, how bland) that I am using now. or Tempus Sans ITC ... for those of us dreaming of uncharted South Pacific isles.


of course, it causes complications with other sites perhaps. ah, you mean there is life beyond photo.net?



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<p>Georgia is nice enough at larger type sizes, but at the smaller size specified in the CSS, it becomes one pixel thick and it's uuuuuuuuugly. I much, much, much preferred yesterday's sans serif font. I tried the site with 3.5 different browsers* just to make sure it wasn't something screwy in my browser settings; all 3.5 display it exactly the same.</p>


<p>I realize yesterday's sans serif font caused problems for a number of people with poor vision, so I'm not going to ask that we go back to it, even though it was much cleaner looking. But surely there must be a better serif font we could use ...</p>


<p>*: Seamonkey and Firefox share so much code that it's not fair to say they're entirely separate.</p>

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It would be better if the site didn't force a font at all: I am not sure why the decision has been made to do this, it seams to be against good web practice, it certainly is against the general rules for accessibility (I refer the web designer to Web Accessibility Initiative at http://www.w3.org/WAI/), but if you are to force a font, please use sans-serif as this is much more readable for people with conditions such as dyslexia.



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<p>I'm currently using the site on a platform that doesn't have Georgia, and found something odd: if you don't have the serif typeface specified, you get <em>sans serif</em>. That's what the style sheet says:</p>


<blockquote>font-family: georgia, arial, sans-serif</blockquote>


<p>If there is a strong desire to make the site show up in a serif font, why are the two backup choices both sans serif?</p>

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