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Signing in problem

masoud a.

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To be fair, I have this problem a lot also. However, since I am frequently signing in and out of the site to check on stuff, and signing in as various users to research error reports, I never actually know if the site is having a problem or if it is just me making a mess of my cookies.


Given that we aren't recieving a huge number of people reporting this problem though, I am guessing that it is a user-side issue rather than a problem on our end.

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Here's one thing to check: is your computer's date and time set correctly? If it is far in the future, your computer may be expiring the cookies immediately.


Most browsers give you a way to see what cookies you have stored (on Firefox, it's under the Privacy tab of the Edit->Preferences menu). See if you have a cookie for the photo.net domain named "photonet_login", and that it's set to expire sometime in 2009.

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