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Watch out for the gorilla (ads)! They will eat the website!


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Isn't it nice that everything seems to happen all at once? We just got through

the graphic upgrade and glitches. And now Gorilla Nation somehow serves us up a

bunch of flashing/bouncing/pop-up ads that we didn't ask for.


In any case, the glitch isn't on our end. Gorilla nation made some sort of change to their back end server that caused the problems. And there are people working on

correcting it as soon as possible.


I would love for there to be a way to interact with all the users when something like this happens. However, given the sheer number of users we have (and the fact that lots of the emails in our database are out of date or bogus), email is out of the question.


I have brought up the idea of some sort of internal messaging system. But that's the sort of thing that can't happen until we get the software upgraded and the site revenue stable again. We need the advertising/referral/subscription revenue to be able to upgrade the site.


I know it sounds like a catch 22, we need money to make things cool, but people aren't going to want to pay if things aren't cool. But we will make it happen.


I know I sound like a broken record, but please be patient. We aren't idiots,

and we aren't out to alienate our users. We are just trying to make the site

better for everyone, that includes users, volunteers, staff, and investors. It

is taking longer than we thought it would, but we are moving forward.




www.photo.net director of community

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Up until now, I have NEVER seen an ad in the middle of a page here on photo.net. Now, no matter what page I go to I get a big flashing "You Won!" banner. I'm not complaining, I know you guys will figure it out eventually, I'm just curious as to why this ad is just showing up now.
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It's annoying as hell! I hope it will be fixed soon. I can't be bothered looking at photographs because of the annoying flashing ads.


In any case, I will never click on any ads on displayed on this site. I am here to look at photos and to post photos and to learn.<div>00KA58-35246884.jpg.3664e7bf2f39ec862fa95ddf8ae8fbf7.jpg</div>

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Don't think that I don't know how annoying it is. Not only do I have to look at the ads, but I get to field all the complaints and questions from an annoyed user base. We have every reason to get things fixed as quickly as possible.
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Maybe rather than some sort of site-wide messaging system, photo.net could set up

something akin to a blog for site-wide news and announcements. People who are interested

in such things could subscribe to the RSS feed. This would save the trouble of sending out

zillions of emails to people who aren't interested or have given p.net a bad address. Also, if it

had a more prominent placement unlike this rather tucked away forum, you might reach a

considerable percentage of the community.

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Josh, is it possible to place your post about the ads as a "sticky" at the top of all the forums? I haven't seen the ads - not sure if that's cause I've only been in the forums not the gallery, or due to my pop-up blocker - but I've seen plenty of forum posts about the ads. It must be taking a fair bit of time for you (and others) to respond, or give links to the response each time.
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