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Cleaning your lens


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I've found a Lens Cleaner supplied by my optometrist, described as being "For Anti-Reflective lenses", works well with filters, better than isopropyl alchohol: streak-free results. I always keep a UV on all my lens, so haven't had to clean actual lens. The name is "Proteckt Lens Cleaner", is just a local product I think, no web hits.
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I use lens cleaner and a clean dry tee shirt or rag (again clean and soft). If I don't have any lens cleaner laying around I will just fog the lens with my breath and lightly rub it with a clean cotton shirt or rag. As a couple of people mentioned I try not to do this when I can.


If I were (happened once) get abrasive material on the lens I would blow it off the best I can and then use a lens brush to attempt to clean it off before lightly cleaning with lens cleaner and a cloth. Generally in situations like this a filter stays on the lens...but once when I was at a dune beach I didn't have any filters handy since I just grabbed my camera and lept into my in-laws boat last minute without my camera bag...so I only had the camera, roll of film in it, 50mm f/1.8 lens, and the lens cap with me. Still managed to get some good pictures...but I took me about 5 minutes of being careful later to clean the lens of blown sand (no damage to the lens and I have a spare letter model 50mm f1/.8 zuiko lens for my OM-1 in case I damage it).

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