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Why do you own multiple cameras/lenses?


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Jeff--"can't stand to have a camera down for a couple of weeks"???? I

just got my M2 back, after waiting for it from DAG for over three

months. The previous work on my M4-2 took two months. You seem like

you use your equipment a lot--how long could you do without it--all

of it, entirely, without *something* to fall back on? I assume that

you cast off that remark casually, knowing that if your Leica quit

there'd be something else in the cabinet to use, and that you really

wouldn't have to tolerate a couple of camera-free weeks.

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Here are my list of reasons:

1) I am bored and always want more toys to fill the void...

2) Cameras and lenses are fascinating mechanical and optical

toys/gadgets, besides sports cars and stereos.

3) My wife does not disagree, as long as they all can fit in the 3-

foot tall humidity controlled dry cabinet.

4) Photography (making and taking picture) is fun

5) I learn the optical difference myself among Canon EOS, Nikon AF-S,

Leica M, Carl Zeiss, Schneider... (still in progress....)

6) I collect and use interesting lenses, lenses that makes

interesting pictures, and lenses with specific optical property,

regardless of the brand. That's why I have 4 systems.

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"I think it was Ansel Adams who once said that if you gave him a

standard lens only, and that he could only shoot in his backyard that

there would be lifetime of photos."




Yes, but they would bore everyone to death, unless his backyard was

Yosemite! He also did not follow his dictum either, since he went on

long treks to clearly "spectacular" places to make photos.

Robin Smith
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If I could afford to own a closet full of cameras, I probably

<i>would</i> own a closet full of cameras. But then I would never

know what to take with me when I left the house in the morning. So I

keep myself to one bagfull--in this case a LowePro Micro-Trekker.

Amazingly enough, I can fit an R8 and a Hassy with two lenses each.

(Actually, I plan on expanding my Hassy system so I will probably

have to buy a bigger bag!) I find that these two cameras compliment

each other beautifully.<p>Over the years I have owned more cameras

than I can count--everything from Nikon F's to Deardorff 8x10's. I

miss them all but I'm glad I don't still have them to burden me

down.<p>All of the Japanese cameras, with the exception of the Nikons

and Canons, are forgettable. Sometimes I miss the idiot-proof

automation of the EOS or the built-like-a-brick solidity of the old

Nikons, but I found that the technology in the EOS cameras sapped

away my joy of photography and the older Nikons are just not

automated enough for day-to-day professional work. Sometimes I wish

the Hassy was a 6x7 camera but all of the 6x7's I've owned were less

than endearing; let's face it, one is never going to fall in love

with a Pentax or a Mamaya.<p>I keep coming back to Leica and Hassy,

so I have now decided simply not to get rid of them. That way I don't

ever have to come back to them. I love the Leica M's but, alas, I

find that they are not really suitable for the type of work I do--and

I can't afford to have thousands of dollars tied up in a paperweight.

Still, I look at them fondly every time I go into my dealer's


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Robin - in part I agree with your response. I have a couple of Ansel

Adams books and darned if I can find a single image of his

backyard......but I understand what he was saying. Cartier-Bresson

did what - 80% of his work with a 50mm. Even someone as 'flush' (I'm

assuming) as Salgado says he shoots with a couple each of M and R

bodies and a total of 4 or 5 lenses. So I'm always amazed at people

who complain (and I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular on

this forum) that with 3 or 4 systems and 10 - 12 lenses that they

can't get the shot they want....

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