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Is there any explanation for the fact that most of my photos when I submit that

for ratting the first ratting is 3? I have seen many photographers complaning

about that in photo.net. Yesterday, just for test I submitted an hummingbird

(beautiful photo for my consideration) and the first ratting was 3 and today I

could see 5s, 6s and 7. Something is wrong with the rattings. Or am I wrong?

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Any rating system in which *anyone* can be a judge is going to be seriously flawed. Anonymous or public. That's the price of open and unrestricted participation.


Undeserved 3/3's are always going to be around, as are undeserved 7/7's. Best thing to do is toss out the ratings on *BOTH* ends of the scale if you want to get any indication of how the average viewer feels about your work. And that's *all* it is - an indication of popularity or enjoyment - not an evaluation of artistic worth, talent, etc. Forget the occasional 3/3 slights and ignore all of the 7/7 ego strokers.


To be blunt (and my comment is not directed at your hummingbird photo), if we accept that under the present 1-7 scale that 4/4 is "average", then there are too many 7/7's given and not enough 3/3's under the present system. As much as we would all like to believe it, not *everyone* can be above average.


Doesn't matter what photo.net tries to do to "fix" it. And the admins have tried many different iterations to get to where we are today. It used to be far worse than it is now. Improvements are always possible, but there will always be something "wrong" with the rating system. There will always be abusers, and there will always be complainers (and to be perfectly clear, I am NOT saying you are either).


Some might think that's a pessimistic or defeatist attitude. It's not. Human nature being what it is, it's just reality.


Don't worry about meaningless numbers given by strangers. You'll feel a lot better at the end of the day. Keep shooting, share what you think is your best, and leave it at that.

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Michael, "Don't worry about meaningless numbers given by strangers. You'll feel a lot better at the end of the day. Keep shooting, share what you think is your best, and leave it at that." This should be put on the home page of PN for all to see and read.
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Thanks you all for the feedback on my question. My suggestion is that all ratings should be public. I would like to know Who is Who on the ratting system. We could visit some portifolios and see the photos of these snipers and also could put some comments on their photos.
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I have been around here for a few years and have done my share of arguing about the good and bad points of this ratings system. Believe me, it is a dead end. I suggest instead that you take a wait and see position. This site is going to have new software operating soon and any thoughts about the old system are really not very germane. <p>

Let's all try something novel and give Doctor G a chance first. Regards.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am a member of another community that has public voting - the net result is that out of a rating 1-10 the vast majority give 9-10. Most do this in the hope of receiving a 9-10 on their own work in return, but even for those who are more credible with their voting, to give someone 7 or less is seen as an insult to the work. The voting system is reduced to a farce - the more 10s you give the more 10s you will receive.<br>

Any voting system to retain any credibility must remain annonymous. As for the 'tactical' voters (to give them a polite name), they should be weeded out by admin by monitoring voting patterns, or simply ignored on the basis that if they affect everyone then all's still equal.<br>

Personally, I've decided to turn off voting on my stuff - it saves me getting hot under the collar for no good reason.<br>

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