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F50 vs F65


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Hi- Like many others I'll begin by apologising for my ignorance! I've used a

manual SLR for years and enjoyed it...last year, while everyone else is moving

onto Digital, I bit the bullet and moved onto the Nikon F50, bought cheaply

locally. I've been loving it, and it's been fun to use. However, due to film

SLRs getting cheaper and cheaper, I've aquired a next to new F65 as well.

Those in the know- Which is regarded as the better camera to stick with? The

other I'll probably sell on, or give to my wife if she wants it.

Thanks for your advice :-)

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The F65 is the more capable camera. It fully supports G, VR and AF-S lenses. apart from that they're fairly similar.


Neither is particularly high end or worth sticking with in today's market. I'd look out for a good deal on a F90x or F100 instead.

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I would get a F80 or a F75. F80 has all the features as a F100 with builtin flash without the build quality or the fast 4.5FPS or the advanced AF module.


F75 is v light, v tempting for travel but lacks the DOF button and has everything else incl spot meter and flash compensation are only via a speedlight (not in camera).

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I got a F100, one of the things I don't like it is the builtin flash is not available an the heavier weight is a drawback and I arn't gonna bash my camera around and the faster AF maybe useful in low light but for the average traveller or daylight photo or portraits its not needed unless you are into wildlife or sport. If you are into those types I wouldn't aim for a low end cam anyway.
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Thanks guys, appreciate the advice. Eventually I'll move onto a higher specced cam, but Lol, I just moved onto these ones! I've been using my old manual SLR since the '80s (Along with a Mju compact) as back then as a student it's all I could afford. But I'm pleased about that, as the beloved manual beast made me do everything myself and taught me a lot. And never let me down! I still have it!

I've been really loving using the F50, and of course not knowing any better or using a higher grade, for the last year I've had a blast with it. When I saw this F65 going even cheaper yet in mint condition I thought I may as well try that! From what I could tell with my limited AF SLR knowledge with various site reviews, it seemed like a good option for a beginner such as myself. I haven't been much more than a 'serious snapshooter' if there's such a thing...but getting into these new (for me!) cameras has got my excited about photography. I'm certainly going to enjoy mucking about with it, and the price was right.

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Yeah, fair points. I've heard so many good things about the F80 I'm sure I will upgrade to one of these when I see the right deal. I can't believe what bargains in film SLRs you can pick up now!

If spec for spec there is little between the f50/f65, I think I will stick with the 'new toy', being newer and in next to new condition. My wife has a digital compace as well that I bought her last year, so it's not often she wants the lug around a SLR, whereas I can't bear to go anywhere without throwing it in the car.

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Well, after a week with the F65 I must say I'm enjoying the experience. I find for the most part the more lightweight aspect works for me, although in some ways I prefer the more solid build of the F50. The other thing I prefer about the F50 over the F65 is the viewfinder is a nice big size. Other than that, the F65 seems much better for me.

Will hang onto the F50 for a few weeks first, make certain I really like the F65 over it.

Thanks heaps guys, will be back to ask about the F80 when I see a good deal on it! :-)

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