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Pls help identify strange marks on negatives


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Hey guys,


I'm getting these weird marks in the bottom left of some negatives. 3 frames

over the last 2 rolls.


Just for the record these were shot on a Leica MP, using Tri-X pushed 2 stops in

d76 (stock). I'm not sure whether this is a processing issue or a camera issue.


Would really appreciate yr help in figuring out what's going on!




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After seeing a picture of your negs, I went home and looked at some of my own because I

recall seeing something of that shape on my own negs. To my surprise, it was the same

shape more or less and in the same area of the negative. It's random and hasn't appeared on

all the frames, but I'm seeing what appears to be a leak in several of them and am afraid it

might get worse. If you get any info as to what causes this, Nishad, please let me know, or

anyone else.

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Just an update for those interested..


I went to Leica NJ this morning, and showed the camera to a tech. He saw the pictures, and said it was an internal light leak and he would have to replace some seals.


Seemed to know exactly what the issue was, and said the problem could not be seen without opening up the camera.


Said that I should expect the camera to be ready by Tuesday.


Thanks to everyone who replied.. hope that my next roll will be leak-free!



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