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Mamiya 7ii with 43mm/4.5 lens


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It's not a problem. The 43mm is not very demanding on the rangefinder. There is a decent

amount of depth of field at f/4.5. The rangefinder base length is 60mm (effectively

34.2mm). Compare this to the Leica CL and it's standard 40mm f/2. The CL has a base

length of 31.5mm and is an effective 18.9mm...and it has to be able to focus the 40mm at

f/2. So if a CL can accurately focus the 40mm at f/2, the M7II should have no problems at

all focusing th 43mm at f/4.5 considering it has almost double the effective base length. I

also have both of these cameras and lenses...there is no problem focusing either of them.

<P>And in any case, you will not regret the Mamiya with the 43mm...it is an astoundingly

good solution for wide angle photography. Here are a few of my shots with it...hopefully

they will whet your appetite... <P><img src="http://www.stuartrichardson.com/infrared-

mission-43mm.jpg"><P><img src="http://www.stuartrichardson.com/snaefellsnes-

valley-bw.jpg"><P><img src="http://www.stuartrichardson.com/hvalfjordur-

bw1.jpg"><P><img src="http://www.stuartrichardson.com/jozankei-fall.jpg"><P>Here

is a crop from the lower right of the last one: <P><img src="http://

www.stuartrichardson.com/jozankei-fall-crop.jpg"><P>The clarity of this lens combined

with 6x7cm film is a potent combination. You can make 16x20's that show zero grain.

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Larry, I don't know how old you are, but I'm 48 now I've been using leica M6TTl and MP for several years. I had great fun with so I want to try out medium format RF camera and two weeks ago I bought a new non-used Mamiya 7 II with 43mm lens and standard 80mm lens. I too had some minor problems focusing manually with my leicas(especially in the darker environment) due to presbyopia which started about 4 - 5 yrs ago. I didn't expected it, but to me focusing with my new Mamiya was lot more comfortable than the leica's and as stuart has shown above me, they take excellent picture. You focus using the original RF window and frame it with the view finder which comes with the 43mm lens. So you won't regret it, at least I don't.
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The light drop off can be corrected with a centre filter. I've so far only got the 80mm lens for my Mamiya, but I sometimes look in on the "Bay" for the slightly elusive 50mm lens. I think 43mm might be a bit too wide for my tastes. Still, it's not often I find my 80mm inadequate for most shooting situations I find myself in. I love the angle of view, and those Velvia chromes on the light table are almost a religious experience to watch.<p>

I've been using a Leica M6, and compared to that, I initially felt the viewfinder on the Mamiya 7II was a tad darker, but after a few minutes, it felt just right, and after a few days it's second nature. I generally found lining up the focusing square easier with the Mamiya than I had with the M6. Eye placement didn't seem as critical.<p>

RF accuracy is, as far as I've heard, not a problem. The rangefinder can naturally be knocked out of synch, but for the 43mm in particular, you've got a lot to go on when it comes to depth of field. For the 150mm, on the other hand, precise focusing becomes more critical. Just in case, I keep a rangefinder adjustment kit handy which, I am glad to say, I've not had to use yet, but it feels comfortable to keep it around.<div>00JZfX-34489084.jpg.f8f928f054977b9e2a4f35d7c2bda53c.jpg</div>

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