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shoulder bag vs. rolling case

lisa h

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Hi, I am wondering if you bring your gear to weddings and other events in a shoulder bag or a rolling



If you use a rolling case, please let me know which one you recommend (ideally something that fits two

bodies and a few lenses).




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I have a belt, shoulder bag and hard, rolling case. I got a cheapie metal case from B&H a long time ago, but if I were buying today, I'd still get any quality, hard, 20" wide case with wheels. Hard so that a thief can't cut into it. 20" so that my compact stands can fit into them. Pelican, as well as other hard plastic cases work well too. Take a view through B&H's hard case selection.
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Look, I don't shoot weddings, but if I did I'd carry the same gear I do anyway. I'd have my

camera, flash, and one lens slung around my neck, ready to shoot. All the other gear I

need--basically two additional lenses, extra batteries and memory cards, fit oh-so-nicely

and comfortably in my:


I really love that thing. My backup camera body would be waiting in my car if needed. I

guess I've come to like traveling light.

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I don't carry a bag while I'm shooting, so I have no need for a shoulder bag. A roller bag lets you transport more gear, keeps the gear more organized and easier to find and won't cripple you. I happen to use a LowePro Roller 1 or 2, depending on the job. If I was getting a bag now, it would be the one that Ellis mentions.
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My gear goes to the venue with me in a large shoulder bag, which I stash in a secured area (if no secured area, I lock the bag in my trunk).


For running around the wedding, I use a Tamrac belt system with three lens pouches, a card/battery wallet, and a flash pouch. I usually have my backup camera slung on a shoulder with a different lens on it. :)

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I use a rolling bag with a full selection of lenses and 2 cameras. It's a Promaster that has a

hard shell on the back and fits in an airline overhead. It was half the price of my other LowPro

rolling bag and is actually a better bag.


I also carry an empty smaller shoulder bag that I can put a couple of lenses in plus film or a

CF vault ... this allows me to select a few lenses for an application in addition to the one on

the camera. Light and mobile.

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Rolling all the way. I have a Lowepro medium sized wheeled backpack. I can fit two fast zooms, 3 primes, 2 bodies and 2 flashes in it. I used to use a hard Zero case, but prefer the soft cases for banging into doors and throwing in the trunk. I also use small lens case I strap on my belt when switching between two primes, usually a 35 and 85.
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Don't know the model # Ken, there's nothing marked on the bag itself other than ProMaster.


It's the best Roller I've ever owned. I've had a number of them fall apart (zippers bust, wheels

get rough, collapsable handle is cheap ) ... but this one seems to be holding up really well.

Frankly I was surprised how inexpensive it was. It's better than the Delsey I have, which I've

had to repair already.

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Thanks for the responses so far.


I have been debating whether it is better to bring everything in a shoulder type bag, which

is easy to grab & run with while leaving my hands free to shoot (say if I was going from in

the limo to the church with the bride), or is it better to have a rolling case that doesn't

weigh down on my shoulder and is possibly more convenient to find things in .


When I am actually shooting an event, I have one or two cameras on me plus a black

'fanny' pack at my waist w/ extra cards & batteries, with the extra equipment in a bag



I am also debating whether a hard or soft rolling case would be best, and would want

something that would fit into carry-on standards of plane so I could use it for travel

purposes also.


Thanks, Lisa

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I am posting again to remind you to consider the possibility of theft. It has happened to me, and the thieves cut through the soft handles of my case to get at it. Now if you have assistants whose only job is to watch your case/gear, you need not concern yourself about this. Otherwise, it is a shame if for the lack of a hard case or making it harder for thieves, you have your gear stolen. On any case that is not completely hard, it is possible to cut into the case, especially into zipper seams. Needless to say, my cases are cable/alarm locked to immovable objects. While it is nice for a case to fit several purposes (travel being one), I would place a much higher priority on it's purpose as a wedding and event case. It will save both time and money if it is perfectly suited to your needs, and security is one of them.


Same diligence is needed for shoulder bags. I literally take my shoulder bag and gear in hand everywhere with me--even to the bathroom. I work alone and if I put my shoulder bag down, it is never out of my sight.

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I use a shoulder bag because sometimes we are running all over the place - up stairs, across fields, through the woods etc... Oh - and an assistant to carry the bag comes in real handy... I'm lucky - I have my husband and he carries everything.
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I'll have to completely agree with Nadine with regards to SECURITY before comfort or convenience. I'd use a Pelican 1510 Rolling Hard Case with a steel cable locked-in to a immovable object. It's one of the best investment you could make plus the peace of mind that goes with it.
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