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W/NW: Panorama

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Cool photos.


But some of you guys are stichin'. I know it. I just know it. :-)


Still like it very much though. And I'm going to give it a try one of these days.


Jack - to link a photo wider than 511 from a photo.net gallery or another site, you type the following:


<center><img src="exact url of your photo here"></center>


Then you select HTML from the drop-down menu before hitting the "Submit" button. That takes you to a preview of your photo. (No preview = no good).


Assuming the preview is okay, you then "Confirm."


From your own computer's hard drive, however, 511 is the max width.

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Jack, I'm here. :-)


It's possible you've entered the url of the *page* on which your photo appears, rather than the url of the *photo* itself -- easy to do on some sites, and very easy to do from a pnet gallery.


Suggestion: Repeat the sequence. But this time, to capture the url of your photo, place your cursor right on the photo itself (not the url at the top of the page). Then right click (Mac: cntrl click) and go to properties.


Then you'll see a "location" for that photo. That photo's url is what you'll want to enter in the <img src="url of the photo goes here"> space.


Incidentally, Jack, by doing this you can display a photo wider than 511, but only if the photo you're linking is itself wider than 511. Quick look through your pnet photos -- many fine pics there, I should point out -- suggests to me that you've tended to post them there at 511.


Let me know if I can help.

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