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question re: how ratings and top photos are chosen


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I am relatively new to photo.net and am not quite sure how things work. I have

requested several critiques for photos and something doesn't quite make sense to

me. I requested a critique for this photo;

http://www.photo.net/photo/5326394 on Dec. 12, 06 and have only

gotten 439 views and 4 ratings A-6.75 and O-6.75 average. It has not shown up

in the top rated photos even though it has a high rating.


Two other photos have shown up and have lower ratings, but over 20 times the

views in the same number of days. This one:



And this one: http://www.photo.net/photo/5324317.


Why would the first photo only have 439 view and the others around 10,000 each

when the first photo (in my estimation and in those who rated it) is a far

superior photo? Did it drop out of sight in the critique forum for some reason?


Also, how are the "top photos" chosen to be shown? I assumed it would be

according to ratings, but that is obviously not the only criterium.


Can someone help me out with these questions?




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Strange, I posted a comment here a while back but it never got posted. I could swear I

confirmed it. Hmmm... Anyhow among other things I told you that in my opinion the

image should certainly be Top Rated. I said that before you commented on my shot BTW. :)


So the questions are...how long ago did you add it to you portfolio? How long after that

did you post it to the critique forum?


I discovered that my photo is in the Top Photos if I search by Average vs Rate Recent

Average. No idea what the difference is but perhaps we will know soon. So look yours up

thru various searches and also by the length of time it's been on the site.


The blind leading the blind! :)

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I actually requested a critique immediately upon posting the photo. and received the only four critiques within minutes of the request. After that there was no more action, and it was not listed in the "top rated photos" which some of my others were that were posted at the same time and were not rated as high. Anywho, we'll wait and see if we get a response.
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Jeff, it really seems that this one particular shot fell through the cracks, so to speak. I just searched for it and although it has more than 5 ratings, it does not show up anywhere in TRP. My suggestion: upload again and submit again. You need to upload again as the upload date and not the submission date is used to date the shot in TRP; why that is only the administrators in photonet know (it defies any logic I can apply). BTW, when I select a category different from ALL in TRP, I can only search by "Average"; any other selection put the category back to average.
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Thanks for the effort Dieter. I did resubmit it and I see you gave another critique. Thanks for your support. I appreciate it. This one is getting more ratings, but the views are not showing up. I'm not sure why some photos of mine which i think are inferior will receive 11,000 views while this other only gets 400 in the same amount of time. One of the mysteries of life I guess. :) Thanks again.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've noticed the same problem as have other members who have advised with same problems. It was suggested that "uploading photo" and "requesting critique" on same day would make a difference. It did not. I tried and my photo too went "missing" from the TRP. It's either a glitch or the Elves do it. I suggest what another comment said - try it again. I've noticed images on the critique forum that I've seen before have popped up a 2nd time around and I suspect that's what others are doing. You already have a fan base anyway Jeff! I was just browsing your city pics! Nice!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe there are minimum numbers of ratings for an image to appear in a certain category. I've seen some top images in the last 24 hours showing up with as little as 5 ratings; once you start requesting longer periods of time the number of required ratings seems to go up.



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My question is slightly different.On my members page & the postings history, I find that the ratings for category 2 are;O46/A45 & for category 3 are; O75/A73 for photos that I rated. The only problem is that I have never rated any photographs of other members lower than category 4. How can this happen?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Back again - I'm not sure but it seems in order to get into the TRP, the elves(or the "system") goes by the rates in the ANONYMOUS rates category - so you can have alot of 7/7 or 6/6 from from other members but if they're not rated anonymously they're not counted towards TRP. Or we're just going around in circles and it's all up to the Elves! Just a suggestion to watch for. As for the "views" - well there is glitches as evidenced by the last couple of days. I have rates and critiques but no views! go figure!
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I think changing the software may account for some of these problems. However, the "Rate Recent Average" area was created some time ago to stop "date rating." A lot of people had a lot of friends, real and virtual, who would rate 6 and 7 for a shot of their hang nail. To base the rating only on anonymous ratings prevents this. By excluding the newbies, it becomes a little more accurate.


No matter what rating system is dreamed up, someone is going to get the shaft on occasion. After a few years on this site, I believe that overall you get what you deserve. If your image can't handle a few low ratings then it is not good enough. If you are really honest with yourself and go back and look at the images that got low ratings, you will sometimes realize that a reasonable rater could give you a 3/3 and justify it. Sometimes the village idiot nails you with 3/3. If your image can't get a couple of 7/7's to beat this, then you deserve the overall rating. It is tough and it is not always fair but it is the best game in town.

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The answer is not rocket- science. Make the 'rater' responsible for his/her rating and get rid of this anonymous rating nonsense. Some ten year old or someone with the intellect of a ten year old has designed a system whereby as soon as a photograph comes up for a critique it (the system) automatically gives it a 3/3. If you don't belive me,put up a photograph and then check 10 seconds later. It will get a 3/3 no matter what the subject or how good or bad it is. Old Pro's like me don't give a damn, we are immune but for the up-and-coming photographer it can prove devastating.........John warren
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  • 2 weeks later...
John is absolutely right, a couple of days ago I listed two shots,within the first 5 minutes I recieved 4 ratings of 3/3 on both.I then checked some of the photos that were listed at the same time as mine and they got the same,at the same time I have had the same happen where I get 4 7/7 within minutes of each other, personally I think someone is having some fun and just go in for the heck of it.The whole system is absolutely ridiculous, I have even had someone call me a cheat because of all this.They apparently registered themselves as CHEATER CHEATER just so they could make this comment.The system needs to be changed.I agree that someone new to the site might be put off.Myself I don,t care .You just have to learn to be like a duck Jeff.
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I don?t care if someone anonymous gives me a 3/3. I just know that the people who regularly look at my photo's give a comment and tips as to improve my picture when they think it deserves a 3/3. And i am greatful for that. It's all about learning isn't it?

As for the topphotos, i don't know exactly how that works. I think my pics aren?t good enough (yet) to show up there :)

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Marga......You should care if someone anonymous gives you a 3/3. It tells you nothing if it is not followed up with the REASON for the rating. All it does for up-and-coming photographers is to destroy their confidence just when they need it boosted...John
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Exactly John, and that is why i don't care and don't take it seriously when someone (anonymously) gives me a 3/3 WITHOUT any comment/reason.

We all know that there are some people who ( i think) take pleasure in giving 3/3 without leaving any comment and caring about that won't solve that problem don't you think?

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Marga, I am well aware that you don't care and don't take it seriously and I admire your thick skin however,others do and that is what worries me. If you are required to give your name you then have to justify the 3/3. Once that happens those people 'who take pleasure' will drop out because the one thing they cannot stand is to be challenged,that is why they are anonymous.The site will then only contain photographers who take the art/craft seriously........ Smile......... John
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You are so right there John. But i think i read a discussion somewhere on this site about 'rating anonymously yes or no' and i understood that anonymously rating will stay allowed. I guess your last sentence looks a bit like 'wishfull thinking'....smile also
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