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Sports photographers needed for Up and coming stock agency


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Im going to be starting a Professional Sports Stock Agency and I am searching

for photographers who would not only be interested in taking pictures but also

be intersted in working with me to get this thing off the ground. Eventually

the people involved at the get go would own a piece of the company. I cannot

offer any immediate pay due to the lack of me being independently wealthy, but

hard work pays off and if I can get a solid team together im sure we can fight

our way into the market. My goals are to hire freelance and staff photographers

from around the world to provide images to Sports Publications throughout the

globe. Anyone interested please contact me through Photo.net. Also any input

and advice would be helpful. Thanks again


p.s. I dont know if I am allowed to post my phone number if someone tells me

its ok I will post my contact info.



-Anthony Santilli

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My plan if I am to start this endevour would be to pay photographers by giving them a percentage of the rights managed sales of their images, So the majority of my efforts will not be taking the images but making contacts with publishers and editors and sell them images that our photographers will be taken by assignment all around the world. Thats my overall idea. ( a very broad version) Thanks for all your comments and requests.


-Anthony Santilli

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It'd want to be a BIG percentage. A solid team will require gun photog's who will expect pay, how are you going to gain credentials? Have you done this before and have some type of track record? Any infrustructure in place for getting images from around the world to the publications and everything in between?


Asking here in the forum is a strech, whilst a lot of working pros lurk and contribute here I probably wouldn't consider your offer without seeing a lot more info first.


Why not build a website with some obscure url outlining your offer then invite people who you have approved to take a look or put together a pdf outlining your plan and then as the question again.


Good luck.




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Hi Anthony,

no doubt your plan is not unique, but I am sure if you have the drive/skills it will work. I am just starting to get more serious about sports photography, and would be interested to have further discussions with yourself. You can see a bit of my background on my website; www.triathlonshots.com . This website is only in its infancy and so far providing me with much enjoyment. Am still open to/exploring different avenues for it at this stage. Grant.

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