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Looking for the best online print hosting stie (pictage, printroom, etc)


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I am at the point where I need to set up some sort of online service where I

can dump 100 or so photos from a shoot and let the customers browse and

purchase them. I am aware that there are many services such as this (Pictage,

Printroom, etc) but I dont know anything about any of them. Which ones are

the most sucessful, and easiest to work with? Which ones would you

reccomend? I am on a bit of a budget at the moment, so Pictages $50 per month

might not be the best one. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


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I use Smugmug. A pro account costs $150 p/year. Their print service is excellent. (I just recieved some shots from them, to compare to my home prints...Very nice)


Their customer service is good, BUT...The site has quite a learning curve. It is fully customizable, and you can use HTML, and CSS.


Custom pricing options are nice, too.


All in all, it's a pretty nice company.

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Take a look at pictology.com. They offer a free service if you don't put up more than two sessions/events at a time. You do the order fulfillment, they handle payment processing. I like 'em. I actually use their full service for $50/month - but the free one is great if you don't have a real high volume. Just schedule your events so that you never have up more than 2 at a time... give the client a week to order instead of a month if you have to.
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I used www.mpix.com before I got galleries on my own site. The site is totally free to use, and very user friendly for you, and the people viewing the pictures. The only bad thing is, that thier pricing is also on the site, so depending on what you are charging your customers, they may get the impression that you are grossly overcharging them! Good luck!
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