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What can PS (in the right hands) do with this?


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Here is my try. I agree that it should be shot better in the first place. But sometimes momments happen and you get what you can. I am usually not prepared for an major action shot during the ceremony either. And I have been in the wedding, album design business nearly 20 years.



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I think its workable. The B/G would probably love the above color mixed with B/W. i personally tend to prefer to keep images either all color or all B/W, not a judgment, just a preference. I think i would make the girl a different layer, brightener her up a bit, blur the back ground and remove the man from the side of the picture. If it was my image i would spend more time cleaning up all the busyness in the image.. get rid of the chair and make the blur look accurate for the DOF IE match the focus of the floor to the girl. but this will give you a general idea. see image.<div>00Ie1R-33282184.jpg.f7e858cee1454e318b4debd0ba445f55.jpg</div>
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