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Why do YOU upload to Photo.net?


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Assuming you're reading the Business forum as someone who intends to or already

does make money from photography, I'd value your opinion on why you chose to

upload your images to Photo.net and whether it has either helped or hindered

any aspect of your work and print / stock / commercial sales. Or has it helped

you be a better shooter, editor or packager of your work?


In particular I'd love to hear from those of you who joined Photo.net as

(already) confident shooters, rather than those who joined when you were still

wet behind the ears. I can see the Photo.net community really helping people go

from rank amateur to confident amateur, but I'm not so sure about the benefits

for the more experience shooters.


I value your opinion!


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Hi Andrew


I am recently new to PN and absolutely soaking wet behind the ears, I have uploaded some of my photo's to find out what other people think of them or how I could improve a particular shot. I have no education in photography or art and I am learning as I go (and enjoying it). With the more confident shooters being here it is an invaluable source of information for the likes of me and without them it wouldn't be the site that it is. i look through others portfolio's to get inspiration and ideas as to composition and settings. It is a great benefit to me as I already have learnt a few things and hopefully will eventually sell one of my photos.



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Critiques are a must in photography and in any sort of art IMO. I am by no means saying you need to head the advice, but input is very important.


Getting other peoples opinions and comments can help you grow as a photographer. Hopefully you will get opinions and technical advice from people who have been in the business and help you.


Of course this is the net. You need to take everything with a grain of salt. Listen to the advice and educate yourself further.

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Publishing photos here, and using the forums, has been a great learning AND teaching experience for me. I enjoy helping others in the forums, especially the digital darkroom forum.


My photo.net images are here:




My "hawk eating squirrel" photo sold (via rights to print in a book)at a nice price, I might add. The right title (alt text) is critical.


That image was was found in on photo.net via this search:




Another reason I upload to photo.net is simply to share my work/hobby. I don't shoot or publish to the Web strictly to make money. That would take the FUN out of it.


I freqently publish images here too:




The intent there is also to share and teach, not simply to make a profit.


When one publishes content to the Web purely for profit, the content often generates less traffic, than pages which contribute good, free content to the on-line community.


If people did not share images via photo.net, it would not have grown to what it is today.

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Thanks everyone for your responses - much appreciated. I've followed Daniel's advice and uploaded five images so people know how much or little weight to give to my opinion. Beyond that I need to work out my goals for my photography and then market my work appropriately ...


All the best,


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I joined back in 2003 or earlier (can't remember) back then 99% of the people shot film, and were more courteous. They would give positive critiques.

With the advent of digital and the endless supply of naked women, the critiques were harsh and inaccurate.

I don't really upload anymore, I do once in a while, but unless you have a pic of a naked girl you will either get no critiques or useless ones.

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That's not an easy question to answer because for me it is multiple reasons. First of all I am an experienced working professional photographer. One reason for uploading is exposure. I did a comparison on Alexaholic.com of several photography web sites and photo.net has a tremendous amount of traffic. It is heads and tails above any others that I could find. So, I'm thinking that editors, publishers, Art Directors, etc. are probably watching this site for new talent. Another reason is to direct traffic into my website. Another reason is the ability to post thoughts, questions and ideas in the forums. I wouldn't kid myself to think I know all there is to know about photography. There is much to learn and here I can learn from other professionals in the business. The photography here is also some of the very best on the Internet anywhere. It is inspirational to see what others are doing and makes me want to try harder to improve my images so that I can compete with the very best. Critique is good if it is helpful. Someone may notice something I overlooked.
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I have been a member since 1999. (Back then I shot B&W film only) Over the years I have used PNet for lots of different reasons. I began because I truly enjoyed the sharing and community. When I uploaded a photo I felt that I received honest feedback. An example of an image with good critique feedback uploaded in 2004:




I used these critiques to try and improve my photography. Recently, I have only uploaded for critique only and I am lucky to get even one comment:




The experience had stopped me from contributing in every way for almost a year, and I am a paying member! Now, I am slowly returning since I do think it is getting slightly better. With that in mind, however, I still used the reviews quite a bit and would occasionally read the forums. Usually, there is quite a good bit of information to be had and most people are helpful.


I cannot say that I every had any business from PNet, but I can say that in the early years the experience helped my photography improve (I think it has, anyway, any critiquer can be the judge of that). The forums have helped me learn about marketing a little and any experience you have had someone else has more than likely had so you can learn from their sucesses/mistakes/etc.


It definitely has helped me realize that there is always a great new lens/camera/toy that may help (Of course, all new stuff helps) in my endeavors.

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