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Developing TMAX100 and TMAX400

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I have some rolls of TMAX100 and TMAX400 and was not looking forward

to double developing. I noticed for at 75F in TMAX developer 4:1 TMAX

100 is 6.25 minutes while TMAX 400 is 6 minutes. Thought I might

split the difference ( or since I'm going to be using a 5 roll tank,

maybe put the 100 on the bottom?


I just run standard times usually, haven't gotten around to



Anybody here soup up 100 and 400 at the same time?

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T-Max 400 is a forgiving film. T-Max 100 is not - it's one of the least forgiving films around in terms of exposure and development. Use a time suited for best results with the TMX. The TMY will take care of itself.


BTW, I'm a fan of both films. I'm just being realistic about the limitations of TMX. It's a great film - nothing else looks like it. But it's cranky.

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Lex is right. Cranky is a good description of TMAX100. I would try to get the temperature down to 68 degrees, if possible (TMAX developer at 1:4, 7.5 minutes). At 75 degrees, you're pretty close to the ragged edge for this film. In hot weather, I use a sink full of ice water to cool all solutions down to 68 degrees before starting.


The other thing you'll find is that the fixing stage with Kodak Rapid Fix will take longer to clear the magenta cast - at least 5 minutes with fresh solution.

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Yup, what William said regarding fixer.


Also, T-Max films will kill fixer about twice as fast as films like Tri-X and HP5+. Something about the iodide content, or mebbe the mysterium, I dunno. Anyway, I get 20 reuses out of a liter of film strength Ilford Hypam rapid fixer with Tri-X, HP5+, FP4+ and similar "old tech" films, but only 10 uses with T-Max films. I *could* stretch it to 24 with those films, but I don't. So I brew up separate batches for each type, label 'em with masking tape and add a hash mark for each use. At 11 fixes with T-Max films the fixing time will suddenly increase. At the 12th try it won't competely fix at all.

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