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Buying slide films from B&H from Canada?

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Hi everybody,

After an internet search, I�m planning to buy a bulk of slide films

from B&H because even after paying the postage (USPS) and domestic

taxes they are still around 1/2 cheaper than here in Canada. For

example, a single 135 roll Fuji Provia 100F here is 13CAD after the


I�m just afraid (because I didn�t find any information) of two things:


1.Are there any custom duties or any other charges when importing

films from USA to Canada?


2.The possibilities of fogging because of X-rays parcel scanning


Is there anybody with experience about these two?

Thank you in advance - any comments are welcome!



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It's a very attractive proposition now with the Cdn$ so strong against the US dollar. I've never had any damage issues with film. Call CRA for exact info on duties. The only real problem around Toronto and the GTA is finding quality E6 labs after so many gave up slide processing over the past 2 years.
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Krasi, I just ordered film last month from Adorama, I only had to pay the GST on top since I'm in Alberta. There were not duties to be paid. Even after the $40 Federal express shipping charge, I was able to save $300CDN on 50rolls of 35mm. I'll be ordered this way from now on. Wish there was a cheaper alternatives on the shipping method though.



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I've been lived in Toronto (Ontario) for more then 9 years and never bought a single E-6 roll in Canadian stores. I've order a bunch of stuff from B&H and Adorama. As far as I remember that Canada Post never charged any duties except regular PST and GST. Neither did Pulorator (X-express mail). But UPS will charge a broker fee (about 7%, but don't remember exactly) on the top of GST/PST. So, don't order shipping by UPS. Never had any problem with fogging either.



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Thank you Roman, Ronald - I'm in the same boat!:-) About UPS - I allready had a bad experience with them. Maybe they are superb for the USA, but they are **** when they have to cross the border - nasty broker fees, careless about the parcels, nasty customer support!

About the prices in Canada, not just about films but also about any photo equipment, I tried many time to get a reasonable explanation about them from a salesman, unfortunately without success. Sad for them - they lose and will lose customers and money!



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i've bought some 20 rolls of kodak e100vs in-date from ebay US seller and it was pretty ok, even the chance of x-raying. (ask them for DO NOT XRAY: unexposed photographic film enclosed" sticker on top).

USPS delivery was pretty tight and cost effective. I never paid any custom taxes (you just have a sender to be a person not LLC/INC/LTD).


Over all, local prices are over-priced about twice (israel). So worth trying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear all,


I get this message trying to buy film online at Amazon.com in the US, to be to be shipped to Ontario Canada:


"We're sorry. The item can't be shipped to your selected destination."


Any suggestions?





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