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Huge number of ratings


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Two things are happening.


One is that people aren't getting kicked off after a half dozen rates like they used to.


The other has interesting implications. The "Skip" button is gone and has been replaced by a ">>" which allows you skip, but doesn't put the idea in your head.


It means that people might be less likely to rate just what they like, but it also means that people need to have a better understanding about how to rate properly, especially when confronted with a genre outside their usual experience.

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I think Carl is right. One additional factor is that the new interface is a lot more fun than the old one because it presents the photos more appealingly and a lot faster. So people are being drawn to rate a lot more. There are several dozen people who have rated more than a hundred photos each in the last two days. This was rare before. In fact, someone rating hundreds of photos in a day was often an indicator of the presence of robot. That doesn't seem to be true any longer. In the last two days, the number of ratings per day has jumped from the usual 10-12 thousand per day to over 20 thousand per day. That is a big jump. It will be interesting to see if it continues.
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I just put up a test image and got seven rates in less than five minutes! The average was comparable to a similar one that I uploaded earlier. I got one perfectly reasonable civil comment from someone I'd never met.


Not bad at all . . . but as Brian says, we'll see if it can be sustained.


We need more tests. Reload a popular image, then a "challenging" one. See what happens.

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excellent interface. I tried it myself.. and was sitting...and sitting... rating a huge number of photos. I do think if a number of regulars on the site... give their share of rates here..the mate rating effect could be reduced..at least to a certain degree.
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Why are so many people fixed on the number of ratings they get? (OK It is a ratings based site!) Ratings without comment are given by people acting like robots. There can be no value to these ratings as there is no basis for understanding why the person giving the ratings did so.


Having said that, I did rate a few photographs by mistake. I switched on the auto submit and entered a rating before entering a comment.


Personally I feel the default TRP should be commented ratings.

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I agree with David. The default ought to be make a comment. I added a couple of random images and picked up 14 ratings in a couple of hours, sadly none had comments with them.


Fair enough, that means people are looking at my work. But although it's good to have our work evaluated by fellow photographers, it's better to have them comment. Comments can add to our understanding and potentially, can help us improve our work.

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I'm glad it wasn't just me. I've put up quite a few pics in the last couple of weeks.. The spike in ratings surprised me... then I looked around at a few others and saw it was across the board.


It doesn't really seem to matter, as far as I can see. As long as everyone is on the same system it'll all work itself out in the wash.


This also may be temporary.. as folks get used to the new system. I don't do RR much anyway; I usually just click on stuff that strikes me from the critique page...


I also agree that the trp shouldn't be based on RR... but I'm not sure about comments either. Seems to me that "avg" would be the best indicator. MANY people don't like to type.

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