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Question to Brian...or anyone else who can correctly answer

will king

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Brian, let me first say that this is not a complaint about ratings

abuse, rather a question. I noticed last night one of my photos I

posted for critique, which has been posted for almost 2 full days

received an anonymous 3/3 rating. I found this to be strange because

I thought after a period of time, photos were immune to anonymous

ratings. I emailed abuse @ photo . net about it, and Jeremy stated

that it did not look like abuse, but rather a person who generally

rates most photos low. I accepted that. Today I noticed Marc Adamus

was affected by the same issue. Actually he stated that ALL of his

photos were hit by an anonymous 3/3s. BTW, the ratings were all

removed, including mine, however, my question is how is this

possible? How can people rate anonymously if they do not go through

the rate recent queue? Again, please do not take this as a

complaint. I am just curious on how these things happen. Thanks.

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I personaly think that if there are recent ratings it should be limited to 24h and not on 2 days. But I think the problem would be solwed if the photographer would be anonymous too, so the rater would't know who is he rating. We have this system on our portal and it works.
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If they were posted yesterday (28/2) then they are not being rated using the loophole.


Brian, presumably, it would be possible for some form of report/query to be constucted that could find all anonymous ratings which occurred greater than 72 hours after a photo was added to the rate recent queue, and the subsequent offending ratings (if any) be deleted? I understand that once upon a time all ratings were anonymous and am sure the date the new system was switched to could be factored in.


I guess you more than likely considered this already (perhaps it's how you found this loophole), just wanted to suggest it 'in case'.

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Nick is right.



In my case they usually mean that my photo is working and is not just another standard shot. It makes statement and create emotion...like or dislike:



Sample (I like it a lot personally): (They are interests from two publications to publish the whole series too.)


(with 7 ratings of 3/3 and 7 rating of 4/4)


21 ratings, Aesthetics: 4.00/7 Originality: 3.95/7







Another Sample from the same series:


22 ratings, Aesthetics: 4.09/7 Originality: 4.00/7






Now I almost hate the following image: (good for technical experimentation though)


16 ratings, Aesthetics: 5.19/7 Originality: 5.00/7







So the ratings, sadly tend to push you towards being average and stop thinking out of box and understanding art and trying new things.



Well I prefer to be my own person and not accept votes for the direction that I want to take in photography/art.



Ratings are only good for exposure but at what price?! So I try to keep a balance...once in a while I post a crowd pleaser so few people check out my folders and maybe leave feedbacks on other shots as well and the rest of time, doing my own thing.







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I really don't mind low ratings if they're honest and sincere, however, it's VERY rare that I'll get a 3/3 or even a 4/4 with a name on it or explain why they did not like the photo. Too many times there are cases of abuse, as proven by Brian's confirmation previously on this thread. That's what bugs me. Malicious idiots that spend their time and energy trying bring photos down. I'm not saying all 3/3 rates are bogus and malicious, but we should not deny the fact that this kind of sick behavior goes on.
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I understand your point and respect it.



So I went and looked at your portfolio for the very first time.



I find it calming and relaxing but that's about it. (a personal opinion of course).



Here is honesty for you...I don't think I have rated a single shot of yours (didn't check really...but can't remember) but if today I was going to rate all of your 152 photos I would have given at least 10 of them 2/2 (or 2/3 or 3/2) and another 30-35 of them 3/3, around 30-40 of them 4/4 (or the combinations of 3 or 5) the rest mostly combination of 5/5 (or the combinations with 4 and 6) and around 10 of them 6/6 . Not a single one was 7/7 to me while I am sure many of them are 7/7 to you, and other viewers. That brings the average of your work (in my opinion) to around 4.25-4.4 . That's above average but not great.



Which is not really bad but since everybody here is so spoiled with 7/7 they think it's bad. Think of it like this...if you had a portfolio with close to 6 average (real average in a fantasy world!), most of national publications should be trying to fight with each other to commission you for their projects. That is just one way for looking at it of course. A true artist wouldn't care for the approval of the publications either...he/she is doing the art because she/he can't stop herself/himself.



Opinions are different. Even if you have a few people out there who give you 3/3 just for fun (or automatically )there is nothing you can do nor you should be worried about.



If there is a fake member who does it, then site will find it eventually and if not then, that was an opinion. A numeric opinion. If they want they can add a critique to it or not. It's a matter of choice. If a critique wants to discuss your shot then of course you can defend it if you choose to do so...but again it's a matter of choice.



Art is not a voting matter or 80% of them were not in the museums today!



You do nice photography, so enjoy what you are doing and forget the ratings. Life will be more fun for you. Try entering your work into few competitions. It's more real, fun and the reward is deeper.


I invite you to go to my portfolio and give a series of 3/3 (or lower if you think they'll be active one day) to all the shots of mine that you find in your opinion desrving of such ratings. I would actually appreciate it.


The good thing is that I have all kinds of photos so always somebody can find something to hate! :)







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Okay, I can respect that and actually to the best of my recollection I don't believe you have rated any of my photos and I donメt believe that I have rated any of yours.


Again, it's not the actual low ratings that bothers me. It's the maliciousness, carelessness, and thoughtlessness that is behind some ratings that bother me.


Ratings on this site are mere opinions, not facts. You stated your opinion regarding my photos, and I will respect that because it was an honest opinion. Although I agree with you that none of my photos deserve a 7/7 rating, I would disagree with you that any of them deserve a 2/2. Again, thatメs just an opinion; my opinion.


Ratings are a funny thing. People look at ratings in different ways. To be honest, I rarely rate photos these days and if I do rate a photo, it will probably be a 6/6 or 7/7. Since I find comments and critiques to be much more encouraging and helpful, I try to extend the same courtesy to others. So therefore I comment much more than I rate. A 7/7 photo to me on this site is not the モperfectヤ shot that major publications are looking for. A 7/7 photo to me on this site is one of the best photos that THIS site has to offer compared to the rest of the photos that get displayed on THIS site.


Another dynamic that affects how people rate photos is their taste in photography. I have seen your photos posted several times and even looked at the photos you rated highest. Itメs quite obvious that we have different tastes in photography and thatメs okay. So I would not expect you to think highly of my photos. Although I respect all genres of photography, dramatic landscapes tend to be my favorite shots. I tend to mostly rate and comment on landscapes. I just donメt think itメs fair to other photographers that I rate a photo that is outside of my genre or area of interest.


I thank you for viewing my photos and the invitation to view and rate your photos. I have viewed your photos but do not feel comfortable ratings them. Although you have photographed some beautiful woman, and being a heterosexual male, I definitely appreciate beautiful woman, however, fashion and nude photography is not my area of expertise. (I'm no where near an expert at landscape photography, but I am more familar with it) ....so I will not undermine your photos by offering an uneducated numberical rate.


Having said all this, I will remind you that my initial comment on this thread was just to bring to light a case of confirmed ratings abuse, not a complaint about low ratings in general.





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