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masking the sinar groundglass, 2 questions


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instead of using a rollfilmback i have opted to use masks on the GG, i know i

can make them myself but i don't want to for various reasons, so no need for

"rollfilmbacks lovers" and "DIY mask makers" to try to evangelize me, not

because this option is neceserally the "best one" but since i have already come

to the conclusion that buying masks will suit my working and operating style best


btw, i use a sinar p camera (4x5, 5x7, 8x10)


i've searched around and it seems to me that i have two options: or i use the

sinar vario mask or i use the set of masks made by Lightware. The vario mask

costs about the double ($100 instead of $50) but that's not really an issue. The

Sinar Vario has the advantage of one size fits all but since the differences in

size are marked by two small orange plastic tubes sliding to various positions

inside the 6x12 frame i'm worried that seeing a portion of what falls outside

off the image will be distracting. The advantage over the Lightware masks are

that the Vario will be easily positioned and will stay in place without the

"funtak" that is needed according to the Lightware website to keep those masks

in place. What are your findings in using both? Are there other mask options?


Another question on the mask thing!

I don't seem to be able to find some masks being sold voor 5x7 and 8x10 sinar

groundglasses. Am I not looking properly or will I be forced to DIY here?


any help is welcome, thx in advance


- pics of sinar vario: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7627959782


- pic of the 9 mask Lightware set:


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Hi Geert,

actually the lightware stuff looks a lot like what you had if you'd DIY.

Whereas you refrain this, the sinar Vario disadvantage of distracting "out of picture"-view is praised as the essential feature of many rangefinder-users. It's a matter of taste and individuality if you can use it, or find it distracting.


Why are no 5x7 and 8x10 masks around? pretty simple, what format do you want to mask down to? If you go down, you take a reduction back or a format converter with according glass and holders.

The issue to mask individual formats from the larger ones is so uncommon, no manufacturer saw a benefit in adressing this non-market.

Maybe for 4x10 panoramics? See, the holder will be customized anyway.




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I've used both and currently own a set of the Lightware masks - Ive found the Lightware

masks in that one can be funtacked to GG and a 2nd one used for cropping a polaroid.

Like most photo gizmos they are overpriced but I've never had much success carving

accurate formats from black matt board and compared to anything Sinar the Lightware is

almost a bargain

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