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35 Lux Asph- Absolutely Superb!!!

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My past history with the original Summilux 35 "Apsherical" (first

version) was excellent and was a great way of getting into Leica.




I later traded it in a deal for more gear, including the latest "Asph"

version. I was a little apprehensive about doing so just in case

the resolution wasn't as good.




Bottom line: My newer lens is better and sharper at f/.4. Infact it

seems just as sharp at f/1.4 as at any other aperture. Truth.

Maybe mine is a special lens, or just a sharper then normal

production lens by mistake. I don't know but I am estatic!




Why did I share this with you? Because I want to make it clear

about my experience with the two (not by direct comparison)

lenses, which has many people speculating. For those users

out there considering the purchase of the first edition, I say to

leave it to the collectors. This newer version provides, cleaner

and more detailed resolution at f/1.4. A noticeable difference

from my experience. Am I justifying my trade to feel better?

Certainly NOT.




The following are pictures taken with the lens wide open at f/1.4.

Not for critique or showing off photographic talent, but for

demonstrating the powerful ability of ths lens to capture any

moment in darkness and with absolute clarity.



















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Elrina seems to have a glowing personality, well fit for such a

combination of atmospheric ambient light and superb

management of the thin DoF provided by the 'lux at f1.4 at table

wide distances. Intimate café photography is a nice way to use

the 35mm. The 50 is often too tight in that environment. very nice

bokeh. very nice lady.

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Hey! We DO have the same girl Kristian. Check out this similar

photo at the restaurant Doug:








It does produce a dazzling effect wide open. I haven't played with

the aperture setting to see if I get the same effect. Obviously

wouldn't happen since you'd get less OOF.




My posted photo is from a scanned print, so in no way represents the

original neg. Anyway, thanks for the info Kristian, and the fact

that the new version surpasses the old, a great trait of Leica as a

company and their products. By the way, the above photowas taken at

1/15th wide open and like Kristian said the outfit is able to

capture low light scenes great.

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The lens is superb. More importantly, the photographer is superb.




I agonized between a 'cron 35/2 ASPH and the 'lux 35/1.4. The 'cron

won for various reasons, but there is no question in my mind that

the 'lux is a dandy glass-filled tube. It may be also the best

handling 35 Leitz ever made.




What else is there to say? Except that I am happy to see such a fine

lens in such capable hands.









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Like Doug, I wonder if Erlina would still have the "star fields

surrounding her. . . at f/2." Is the boke at similar apertures as

smooth as the Summicron's, or does the Summilux produce obvious

bright-edged effects in out of focus highlights when stopped down a

bit, as well?

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Kristian, your pics are great... I "test drove" this lens at a camera

shop and shot about 15 frames just outside the shop while standing

next to the sales guy... Man was I impressed! As soon as i have the

money i'm getting one... anybody interested in buying a Canon 17-35

or 50 to support me buying it? =)


P.S. Kristian, the reason centering didn't go away is that you didn't

add </center> at the end of your image link - the reason the

images didn't show up right, is that the lines "wrapped" - there were

line breaks because your links were too long to fit in one line in

the box... one way to fix it is to write all the text for the link in

another program and copy and paste to web forms.

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i think that the first Aspherical edition handled better as it was

slightly smaller (with slightly larger hood) and has a focus ring

as well as a focus tab, so if you missed grabbing the tab, you got

the ring. Unfortunately, the newer edition only has the tab. Which

is all you really need most of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<i>Hey! We DO have the same girl Kristian. Check out this similar photo...




...and it seems we do have the same girlfriend, but she's marrying me JAMES!



Oh that's funny. It reminds me of my aunt and uncle (born in China and Hong

Kong, lived in HK, and now in the SF Bay Area). They were describing an

American (aka, white) friend of mine.


Oh, which one, I asked.


I don't know, he's a friend of yours, you know, do you know who I'm talking

about? she said.


What color hair did he have?


I don't know, dark, or maybe blond, or I don't know, just... something. Yes,

maybe blond. Or...

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