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Custom Photo lab that will process Kodalith


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I hope this is the correct forum for my question. I have some

Kodalith Ortho Type 3 35mm film cassettes that I want to process. I

bought the film before I realized alot of labs will not process it.

I do not have my own darkroom, so I have to use a photo lab to

process my film. Does anyone know or can they suggest a custom photo

lab that can process Kodalith? I live near Chicago, but I'm willing

to use mail order, as long as the lab is in the lower 48. On a side

note, all the research I've done on Kodalith tells me to use an IE

between 6 and 25. Will a roll I shot at IE25 be a waste to develop

because its too fast? Thanks in advance for the replies. And sorry

again if this was in the wrong forum or answered in a previous

forum. Thanks, Jeff.

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OT3 is a film originally intended for line copy work, and will produce extremely high contrast

when processed in lith dev. It could be coaxed into giving mid-tones by appropriate

developemnt, but you may be better off with a different film altogether. What are you trying

to achieve with it?

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I understand what Kodalith film is and what the potential images may look like. I'm trying various experiments with film, filters and cameras and I came across some Kodalith film, thought I'd try it. I didn't realize prior to purchasing the film that very few custom labs will process the film. So I was just asking if anyone knew a reputable custom lab that would process Kodalith film.
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