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Portable cookies?


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Dunno if this is possible:


Say I'm logged in to photo.net at work, visit several threads, my

browser on my work pc cosequently marks thems as read, and changes

their color. Would it be possible that when I get home, and again log

in, that it could pull the info on my work visitted sites through and

add it to my photo.net cookie on my home pc? Or technically





If I (for example) click on a link through "Unified View", and then

back out, the link has changed color, indicating that I've been

there. Now, saying the previous link was actually part of "Dig.

Darkroom", if I go to that forum, the link is not indicated as being

read, *until* I go into it thru that forum. Any way to make links

change color, regardless of where you first encounter them?

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Hi Mendell,


Unfortunately, the different color rendition for "visited" versus "unvisited" links is handled by your browser. The browser keeps a history of the links that you have visited. So, when you move to another browser, it isn't a question of moving cookies, but rather a question of moving your browsing history.


Some browsers have "import" features that let you import cookies, history, etc from another browser on the same computer. I believe

this is mostly used when you are switching to a new browser on your computer. I think packaging up your personal settings (cookies, history, etc) from one browser, taking these with you to another system, and getting all this into another browser on the new system would require a fair amount of knowledge and messing about, and you probably wouldn't want to do it as a routine thing. In many cases it wouldn't really be possible, especially between unlike browsers.

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<p>Brian is right; probably not worth the hassle.<p>


<p>Unless... you like to monkey around with technical stuff. I haven't tried it myself, but I've seen articles about setting up both Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird to run completely off USB thumb drives so you can take your bookmarks, history, plugins etc with you wherever you go. Just google for something like 'firefox thunderbird usb drive'... <a href="http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/browsers/portable_firefox">here's one that looks most promising</a>.</p>

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Here is an easy way to do this using only a thumb drive. Plug the thumb drive into your computer at work or away from home computer, open your IE then click on "Tools" Select Internet Options, look in the area that reads "Temporary Internet Files" click on "Settings" and type in the name of the directory that you want to save your cookies to. When your finished remove the thumb drive and then when you get home repeat the process.
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The IE settings thing won't work (I don't think, anyway) - it's changing where temp internet files (not the browsing history file) is stored.


Go with Portable Firefox (but change history settings to more than the zero default days)

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