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How Do You Store Your FD System?

14mm 2.8l

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I pulled alot of my equiptment out of two lowepro phototrekkers I

usually keep it all in. I've found these salvaged surplus US

Military bookcases work real well with camera equiptment.



<img src=http://users.adelphia.net/~adkinstone/Feb18FDc.jpg>


<img src=http://users.adelphia.net/~adkinstone/Feb18FDb.jpg>


<img src=http://users.adelphia.net/~adkinstone/Feb18FD.jpg>

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Thanks Mike, I've had more bodies and glass. This is the system I plan to use till 35mm films' often rumored demise.


This year...


Next year,


5 years?


My stash of 1.35V mercuries is set to expire in 2012.


I have no doubt I'll have at least one Speedfinder outfitted F-1 forever.


Upe, Thats Canon's 500mm f8 Mirror you've asked about. Its to the left of the 400mm f4.5. I bought it and and another 28mm f2 SSC in the last 30 days. It's a great time to be buying Canon FD...

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I keep mine hidden and out of site, in cardboard boxes or daypacks. My wife and kids will find the stuff when she's cleaning after I die. I only display my photographs and woodworking.


Lindy, how do you like the 500 mirror, any scans? I've seen some pics and familiar with the donuts... Agree, it's a great time to buy FD lenses, a killing field on ebay. What really cracks me up is local people trying to sell on craigslist with unrealistic expectations, one guy is listing a bunch of fd stuff here, one item 35 2.8 he wants $125, keh lists for $49, probably less on ebay.


Tom in Seattle

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Tom, I have not used this mirror lens yet. It's actually been about 10 days since I got it. I might kick it to ebay since I really like the 400 f4.5. I was just using up some old camerastore credit I was hoarding for a very slow to market Pentax DS2 digital body purchase. Alas, I couldn't resist a flawless, mint 500mm f8 example to try. It's so light, with my bogen QR plate it weighs 1&3/4 pounds. And I've got every 34mm drop-in filter Canon made so thats a nice option too if I decide to keep it.
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Lindy, do I see coaxial cable running from the ceiling to the top cabinet, what is that and what is it for? Nice batch of gear there.


(My FD stuff is unfortunately being stored by the thief who stole it all, or the people who bought it from him...All I've got left is a macro rail and slide copier that I'm gonna try to mount to my nikon equipment somehow.)

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Greg sorry to hear about the loss.


The canon macro rail is an item I'd like to get at somepoint when a new and boxed example flushes out again. As you likely know it's a tough item to come by in any condition. From what I've noticed macrorail is krinkle paint finished the same as copystand 4 & autobellows w/ matching knobs too.

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Peter, Gun safe is a great idea too. I hadn't considered that.


I usually pick these glass front cases up for $15 a piece, other times just 5 bucks. The desert storm colored ones were issued in office grey and likely repainted in 1990. The olive drab was "top secret" stickered from 1967. I like it as is but its way too dark for typical display case. At somepoint I may "restore" these or others I own. Until then they offer dust free storage and ease of access.

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Soo, I'll tell you...


I got a fantastic deal on my formerly new in the box 14mm at $610 delivered. I am so careful when I use it I think it would still pass as new in the box eventhough I've taken about 600 shots with it in the last 3 years. The original owner never used it and he set his ask prices on his vast FD kit when he switched to EOS with supertelephotos 3 years back. Elsewhere, about 5 years ago I also bought a new in the box 14mm lens cap. The only one I've ever noticed for sale at ebay. That ran me $65 delivered. $57 was issue for a replacement 14mm cap.

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Lindy how did you get so lucky $610 for 14mm 2.8L. I once saw on ebay for $550 new condition it was listed under fisheye lens. I was so dumb I had no knowledge at the time what jewel this lens was. The new owner who hit buy it now resold it for if my memory is correct over $1300. Lindy I am honest when I give my opinion, you�re collection of FD unit is quality not quantity. Lindy did you ever think about recalibrating you�re F-1 units to 1.5v battery?
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Soo, I don't know why the seller wanted $600 but I took a chance without any item photos or without ebay sales to his name and sent a personal check. I was happy to see it was as stated. In fact I got the 14mm in the mail before he cashed my check. I wish I could have bought more but money was tight for me and other eager FD'rs got into the buying (frenzy) too. His whole kit was gone 2 or 3 weeks without any ebay ads.


He had an incredible system all bought new. 4 or 5 white L's ,all 3 85mm, fd/eos 1.26x, most all fast primes thru 800mm, numerous F-1n's and most all F-1 assessories. He sold it all and bought a brand new in the trunk 500mm IS f4 EOS for about 5 or 6 grand.


Your right Soo, my system isn't anything spectacular or valuable. Maybe 13 primes and only one L in the kit. Oh, and a couple vivitars lurking in the group too. Just 5 F-1 film bodies now, I used to have 10 bodies including an olive drab and FR-b eye ball shooter and pin registered F-1N. The one cool F-1 I still own is the 1,497th F-1 ever made from 35 years ago and it's Mint. A lucky local buy 8 or 9 years ago. It stays attached to it's FL bellows and 100mm bellows lens. Quite well balanced and fun to use as one unit. I wonder if anything EOS will work right in 35 years? ;^)


I sold my 400mm 2.8L recently. I have so much more fun shooting wide than shooting long, so my kit is pretty much complete, for me. I find the 3&1/2 pound 400mm 4.5 is a decent replacement for the 13 pound 400mm 2.8L.


Of course when FD L glass drops like everything else has I'll buy more than I need or want. 2 years? 3 years? 5 years? No hurries, unless somebody comes up with a digital solution for FD mount glass the system prices will likely drop more, infact a whole lot more ;^)

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Concerning 1.5v recalibration. When I got into FD in 1993 my FTbn came with a Mercury cell. I got used to it's smooth reponse and forgiving nature. I left it on most of the time and it lasted years. Since then I bought up 10 mercury cells that have a shelf life of 8 to ten years, so 2010 to 2012 they'll expire. I think China will continue to make mercury cells though I am not aware of a source now. I bought mine out of Boston via China. If none are availble in 2012 I've read you can get a solar button cell charger and these Merc's will recharge and not explode. When I need to I'll check into this option. The charger runs $15 or less. I've lost the company's link.
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I recalibrated My FTB had no choice. I had no knowledge where to get mercury cell battery. This is why I have F1-N not mechanical version. Still you're F1 unit look beautiful. You know one day I hope company like Kodak or Fuji come up with interchangeable digital back. There is naysayer on my last post. Think about it when digital camera buying frenzy dies down in future. They have to come up with interesting new tech. One they we will be able to make choices on digital back like different choice of film. It will be done within 10 years. Fd unit is keeper for life......
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Well, I keep my FD gear in a glass cabinet in the living room, so I can look at it all the time. The cabinet wasn't so expensive. It has a mirrorred back and floor, so it looks like I have double the lenses I actually have!


The only drawback is that everyone who comes into my living room sees the gear, and might tell others, who might tell a thief.


The thief will have no problem selecting the good lenses out of the cabinet.


For awhile I thought about getting a safe to put the gear in. 2nd hand safes are cheap, provided you haul them yourself.


I didn't do this, because 1) the weight (I have wooden floors) 2) I wouldn't be able to look at my gear and 3) It would attract curious thieves like flies.


My camera bags are in a normal cabinet; I always put everything I use immediately back in the cabinet to keep it dust - free.


BTW, Lindy, I put my lenses bayonet down, think they look cooler that way.



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Thieves! I hear you Dirk. Lucky for me these aren't in the living room. I do enjoy having them all handy and sorting most of it in the glass front bookcases sure helps. Usually 75% of most everything I care about is in 2 phottotrekkers ready to toss into my car's trunk or I guess somebody else's. I agree you can't be too careful.


But then again once Canon makes several $3,000 Full Frame FD mount digital pacifiers for all of us, my FD collection would become too tempting a target.

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Despite all the ads, gun safes are not the impervious solution the advertising may lead you to believe. I have a co-worker that lost over two dozen valuable firearms in a Knox safe with the giant bolts, the thing was pried open by thieves who had some time. I hide my stuff when needed in the framing of walls, would take CSI to find some of my stuff.
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Hi Lindy I'm very impressed with your FD system, and the neat way you have it displayed you must be a much more tidy person than I am. I store my photographic gear in a steel cupbord that is bolted to the floor and the wall behind it with 1/2" Rawlbolts. I use two Billingham Safari bags to carry it, a large 550 or a smaller 335 depending on how much I need to carry.
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