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Release Legality


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Here's question on legality of model release and client contract.


I use fictitious name in photography world, not to mix my primary job

with it. Would it be legal release and contract if my real name won't

be in it? Any ways around it? Thanks!

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No I'm not. It uis just my opinion. Of course if the kind of photography you do would

embarass you if your co-workers found out or if the work you do is somethign you aren'

pround of I can understand why you'd choose that way. But if it comes to legal action a

pseudonym isn't going to shield you from anything.


You want an opinion on a legal matter? Ask a lawyer. I'm a photographer, not a lawyer

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Any idea if I need to put both names in the release? Real and fictional one? Thanks!


PS: It's not that of big deal, to speand money on professioanal/layer advise. I figured that many people use non-real names... Anybody with particular experience would like to contribute?

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If by "fictitious name" you mean "Vlad's Images", "The F/Stop", "Akira Motorcycle Photography" or some other name of a business, then as long as you have taken the proper steps to register your use of that fictitious name as required by the state you live in, you are fine.


If you mean that you are using a pseudonym like "Robert Pitt" rather than your real name, that would be a problem.

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...why take the time and trouble to make up a contract with a 'un-real' name?




If you ever were to appear in court to claim a broken contract and try for damages, you would have the judge toss the case as the "un-real" person cannot file a lawsuit.

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Vladimir-- To a certain extent, that depends on how separate you want to keep your real name and your photography name. If you don't mind putting on your contract something on the order of "...Vladimir Neleen doing business as (whatever your photo name is here)..." then in most cases that is feasable, however, you should consult accredited legal counsel regarding the legality of it wherever you are currently located.


The base law roughly states that you can use whatever name you want as long as you don't use it to avoid an obligation. In short, you could probably get away with just using your pseudonym for business purposes, but on any given day the law says what a judge says it says, and personally I'd want a lot more legal support than just that.


As the above respondent says, you can certainly get a business license and do business under any name you want to (within reason), but the name will be a business name and not necessarily a personal one.


Happy shooting. -BC-

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