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How am I supposed to know what is boring and what is not to you?!




If u have a negative opinion of what I have posted, sorry, SKIP or

dun even click on my links! Simple thing!





If u have $10000 dollars of leica gear and not willing to share even

BORING STUFF, throw them away!




I was once told of Leica snobs, I just didn't think they exists!





just skip my links...they aren't meant for demanding arrogant people.





and u know who u r.





P.S Ivan, good day..;)

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Last one to u christopher, The 1999 thing was just for convenience, I

didnt take time to set for every photo posted.




I posted these BORING PHOTOS becos I just got a scanner. Period.




BTW, if u think something is rubbish, u didnt have to say RUBBISH.




Look at how other honest critiques used words even for bad photos.




Obviously u dun have the eloquence and empathy when criticising





Being honest is not the same as being blunt.

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I know you posted those photos because you just got a scanner!





By the way, if you think that you can't take better pictures with a

videocam, look at these wonderful pictures of Cuba taken by

David Turnley. They were all taken on a videocam and then

printed as black and white photographs.








I'm actually a Leica un-snob. A good photographer can take

wonderful pictures with a disposable camera, or even a

videocam! You don't need to spend $4000 on Leica gear!

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The word "Don't" is neither spelled nor pronounced as "dun". According to Merriam Webster, dun refers to :<br>


1 a : having the color dun b of a horse : having a grayish yellow coat with black mane and tail<br>

2 : marked by dullness and drabness<p>


And "You" is spelled that way, not "u".

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My point is a $1200, a $100 and a videocam, they all takes good

photographs. The difference is the photographer.




Anyway, if u aren't a snob, why bring Money into this? This happens

to be a Leica forum and I happen to have a Leica and some lenses,

thats all. I have other gears and I use them with pleasure as well.




If u want to talk abt photography, and what photographs means to each

photographer, then thats a different story.





U r driving at "why can't u take better photos instead of these

rubbish with ur $4000 gear?" right?




I dunno whats ur agenda, but truthfully, I dun find pleasure in

engaging with u and your rubbish.

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