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35 cron asph pic


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ok kristian, point taken...;)




just sharing pics, thats all...no critique needed..




just thought too much text is boring...




i just learned how to post, so i was carried away..





anyhow, your point is taken and well heeded

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The best way to improve your photography would be to look -

really LOOK - at photographs by photographers you admire.

What do you like about them? What feelings, thoughts, emotions

do they conjure up in you?




Why don't you do that for a few months/ years and then come

back and ask us to look at one or two of your best photographs?

Just one or two, please. Your 'photographs' are beginning to

overwhelm this site.




And I have to wonder, as I often wonder when I see photographs

posted on this site, how your photography has been improved by

using a $1200 lens rather than a $100 lens. Beats me to tell you

the truth.

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Keep posting, be they good, bad, or ugly. God forbid someone

actually showing us a lot of work on what their they are actually

doing with a Leica, rather than discussing whether the asph is

better than the non. I think tight is your best shot yet, by the way,

Very ominous feeling, like that golf course is going to be

sqeezed out of existence between the walls. I've seen this in a

James Bond movie, I think. And ignore the idea of going away

for several years and maybe coming back with something good.

Instead keep 'em coming. Some of us out here are enjoying

them in the spirit they are offered.

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Have you actually looked at that photograph of the beach? If you

or anyone else has a photograph to post that is less interesting

than this formless grey mush I would be excited to see it. Still, it

was taken with a Leica so it must be worth posting.




Yes, I have looked at it and it isn't so great. But his walls shot is.

And he is asking for feedback or simply wanting to share. For

you to respond in such a sarcastic manner is your choice, of

course, but I think it demeans you, not Travis. And your idea to

come back here when you are better is simply silly. This forum

has no such requirements. And with your mightier than thou

tone, I'd like to see you post a photo of your own which will

uphold all that you are criticizing in others. A challenge.

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I'm criticising POSTING boring, formless pictures. Not taking

them. I've taken plenty of ghastly rubbish in my time. I'm just not

arrogant or stupid enough to believe that you or anyone else

would be interested in looking at them.




I have seen some pretty good photos posted on this forum - Rob

Appleby's come to mind - but if I want to look at photographs I'd

prefer to go to exhibitions or look at some of the many books on

my shelves.




For me what's most interesting and useful about this forum is

the advice on cameras, lenses, film, accessories etc, from

people who are more knowledgable than me. Not looking at -

and let's be honest about this - muddy, thoughtless, formless

grey mush like that beach photo. Travis did ask for honest

criticism and that is honest. Even you admit that!

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I'm criticising POSTING boring, formless pictures. Not taking

them. I've taken plenty of ghastly rubbish in my time. I'm just not

arrogant or stupid enough to believe that you or anyone else

would be interested in looking at them.




--But you are arrogant enough to decided what the forum should

be for everyone else. One thing to discuss an opinion, another

to try and make the rules.




I have seen some pretty good photos posted on this forum - Rob

Appleby's come to mind - but if I want to look at photographs I'd

prefer to go to exhibitions or look at some of the many books on

my shelves.




--Then do, but don't tell people not to post them. Why not try to be

helpful, not hurtful?




For me what's most interesting and useful about this forum is

the advice on cameras, lenses, film, accessories etc, from

people who are more knowledgable than me. Not looking at -

and let's be honest about this - muddy, thoughtless, formless

grey mush like that beach photo. Travis did ask for honest

criticism and that is honest. Even you admit that!




--I don't admit to your words at all. They are definitely yours. But

you act as if you pay for this space. If you don't like something,

move on. And, again, you are trying to dictate to others what you

see as the point of the forum. This is only your opinion. I enjoy

seeing the photos posted. And that is my opinion. We both have

a right to pay positive attention to what we enjoy, but not the right

to dictate a policy to others. To do so is arrogant, or stupid, as

you note.

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You are too funny.




I am criticising the posting of boring photos, not trying to dictate

what the forum should be. I wish I could dictate because I would

then divide the forum into two. One for the technical stuff I enjoy it

for, the other for people to post their photos.




I also enjoy the medium and large format forums, neither of

which, thankfully, is sullied with the postings of mind-dumbingly

dull photographs on a daily basis.




And believe me, I am being far more helpful by telling Travis what

is plainly obvious about his beach photo - it's rubbish - than by

being nice and 'positive' and pussy-footing around pretending

the photo's OK.




Actually what is really disturbing to me about the photo is that he

took it in January 1999, which means that he's had over three

years to evaluate it, and he still posts it!




At the heart of my criticism is this: just because someone takes

a photograph with $4000 worth of Leica gear doesn't make it a

good photograph.




Looking at Travis' other pictures, he'd do better to sell his Leica

gear, buy a cheap Canon with a zoom lens and use that to get

closer to his subjects than he dares now.




In my humble opinion, of course.

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It is usually the case that when someone hates something it's

because they are subconciously reacting to that very same trait

(hidden of course) intrinsic inside themselves.It is almost

impossible to see this as the truth....it is too devastating to the

acculturated personality.Technique of course can always use

improvement....but the real question I think is...regarding any

photograph ... how deeply did you feel that photograph? Really feel


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Sorry, Emile, but I think you need to re-phrase the question

properly for this forum. Perhaps --"Which photos evoke more

emotion--the ones I shoot with a type 2 non-ASPH 35mm f/2

Summicron, or the much sharper ones I make with my f/1.4

ASPH 35mm Summilux?...").




Happy to be of help.





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"Tight" is the best of what you have shown here so far, by far, I





Regarding the beach: What if you cut the photo right below the

horizon line, leave the presence of the two people to be naturally

emphasized by the water line and forget about the rest above . . . ?

(pun actually intended)




Regards !





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I am flattered that you have decided to turn your pop

psychologising on me!




Now, just what deeply emotional aspect of that beach

photograph - which, by the way, I do not hate but find utterly

uncompelling; I wish I could have such a strong reaction to it as

'hate' - do you think represents that lurking shadow side of

myself that I am psychologically unable to discern?




Actually, I'd like to know what emotion at all you can discern in

the photo that you think I might be reacting to so keenly. It looks

to me like he was on vacation on the beach on an overcast day

with his expensive new Leica gear and he took a photo of the

beach just like all the other millions of people who go on

vacation each year. Is there anything else there? It's a bad

holiday snap, taken with $4000 gear! I'd have been more

interested if, for example, he'd pointed the camera down at his

feet and taken a photo of his feet on the sand.




But enough already for me. As delightful as all this is, I must

move on now, I fear. I believe there is a world out there beyond

this forum where women, yes women, live!

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I thought you'd read my earlier post; you answered it in

meticulous detail! Among the things I said:




"I'm criticising POSTING boring, formless pictures. Not taking

them. I've taken plenty of ghastly rubbish in my time. I'm just not

arrogant or stupid enough to believe that you or anyone else

would be interested in looking at them. "




You don't have to be Stanley Kubrick to know that Death to

Smoochy is crap!





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Charles, sweet thing,




I was just giving you the photoeye.com site because it has such

wonderful photography. Don't you see it?




Ah, but you were so obsessed with ME that you couldn't see it!

Anyone with half an eye would have been THRILLED to be turned

onto photeye because it's such a blissful photography site. It's

incredible. Can't you see? LOOK.




Poor boy. Look again. And forget about me if you can. If you can.

Hard, I know.









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And here:








And here:








And here:








And here:








And here:








And let's then discuss the 'beach photo'!





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