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How to kick out a photo from the TRP?


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This is interesting: I had this fairly good rated photo

(http://www.photo.net/photo/4098433) which reached

position 12 with 6 anonymous ratings in the TRP. One day later 10

additional anonymous raters rate this picture within a few hours with

3s and 4s and throw the picture to position 567. Seems, I have the

only non-nude picture that got 17 anonymous ratings ;-)


Don't get me wrong, it's not about being kicked out of the TRP - I had

my 15 minutes of fame and the picture had a fair visibility.


But I'm quite curious how this can happen? Are those really 10 raters

who despise the picture and arrive coincidentally at the same time? Or

is there a way to fake those ratings? Or maybe I just messed with the

French mate rater club?

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Nope, you're not the only one. I had seventeen anonymous ratings on <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/4098914"> this picture </a>. They weren't as high as yours, though, I don't think.


It took about eight hours to get the first six. The next 11 seemed to show up in a bunch.


No matter. We should be pleased we got that many ratings at all. Now if I could get a comment on it. I really don't have any complaints lately about the number of ratings. It averages about 6. My only "observation" is that I usually get a well-deserved 3/3 within thirty seconds of posting the photo. I have to wait several hours for the rest of them to come in.


Best Regards, and a high <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/4062848"> FIVE </a>.

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Jan<BR>That has just happen to me with two postings in the last 12 hours. The first posting was after the three-day viewing time frame and had over ten rates. The ratings were good but nothing spectacular but within a small time frame last night it receive a bunch of anonymous rate recent ratings, all which were low. I shrugged my shoulders and erased it. The second posting had excellent rates, a total of 11 and great position on the average TRP view but not enough anonymous rate recent ratings to make the default TRP. Within an hour this morning it received nine anonymous low ratings killing its position. Again I shrugged my shoulders and erased it. These events happen every so often here and I'm sure the administration is looking into it. My suggestion is to wait and repost and another time.
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Hi !


A quick humorous word to tell you that ,as a frenchman ,I

suscribed "Photonet" for the so believed quality of its "posts" and

because I was fed up with some (I say "some" !) french forums

where precisely oftentimes the same mates give the same rates

,so pleasse Jan , let me the hope to think that I finally found a

place with untricky critiques or ratings and where,above all, the

beauty of the passion we share makes us forget the meaning of

the word : "border" !


Cheers !


Marc ...Paris...France ...

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This afternoon I was adding photos to my portfolio, while doing so I checked my # of ratings over all being at 533, so I check the one I thought would have produced ratings. That photo I checked said it had 12 ratings, fairly mediocre like most you guys have been talking about. Not an hour later did 9 ratings disappear off the total number - without me having deleted anything - to 524. And now, I'm down another one somehow, without me having deleted anything. This is messed up!
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Jennife, i think the question is more; how can the bogus accounts know whether they'll be spotted as bogus? we dont know. they dont know. no one knows (except PN people/Brian obviously), so no one can get round it and rig the ratings. just accept the situation as a result of historical goings-on at PN which the site tries to overcome so that a close to honest reality is left.
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Let me first say that I really appreciate the effort you are putting into this. All of the mysterious ratings disappeared.


I understand that keeping those accounts alive gives you an important advantage so you can monitor them closely. It would be interesting whether this is just vandalism or if this is an effort to boost the own pictures in the TRP.

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At this point, it is vandalism. Nearly two years ago someone got pissed off at the site for some unknown reason and has been making trouble ever since. Some people once they get into a pissing contest just won't ever give up. You also see the same behaviour in some of the forums, where banned people persist in creating accounts and trolling even though their new accounts are quickly identified and banned again. It becomes a game to them, I guess. At this point it is still easier to play whack-a-mole with them than to try to get the police involved, but eventually I'm going to get pissed off myself.
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<I>"...10 additional anonymous raters rate this picture within a few hours with 3s and 4s..."


"Are those really 10 raters who despise the picture..."</I>


I find it odd that you would interpret a rating of 3 or 4 as someone "despising" you image. You do understand the rating scale, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...
yes, it seems that some things never change. This has been an issue for so long that it's passed being redundant. just asked for a critique request... same image that was very highly rated, got 3's.... whatever. just look though my folders if you'd like to leave a real rating or critque. this is the only way I can find to get noticed here on photo.net. I stopped posting in hopes that silliness would stop. it hasn't.
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