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Kodak 4x5 royal pan film - what is this?


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Digging through the junk box in my school's photo classroom, I came

across a box ofd 4x5 film. It is quite old looking and says Kodak

Royal Pan Film, 4141 thick, estar thick base .007. It lists cat 149

1422. it is dated march 1979. someone wrote on it asa 400 and a few

development times, unfortunately not for the developer i happen to

have. Does anyone know anything about this film, or where i might

find dev times? also, what should i do to compensate for the fact

that it is very old? more development? less development?

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This was a great Kodak "do everything" film. They used to use it by the case in my father's studio, especially for commercial or press type work.


It had good latitude and was very forgiving of exposure accuracy.


In your case, there is most likely some edge fog. Why not soup a blank sheet as well as a couple of exposed ones and see what you get?

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You can process it in HC110, Dil A or B or DK50 is probably the preferred choice...I would call it a medium grain film, good latitude...I used it with a Speed Graphic back in the mid-60's...I tray developed it...

It's like a "grainier" Tri-X...a bit contrastier...


Some photographers used it in making Dye Transfer in camera separations...I never did, but the Estar thick base made it dimensionaly stable...you could punch it and keep perfect registration...


I would suggest you get some DK50, if you can...and give it a try...

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It was fast, at least 400. A bit grainier than TX. Could be pushed a stop or more. Very long toe of the curve. We often used it for architectural or insdustrial interiors.


Below All at 68 deg F


HC110 B - 8 min, DK50 - 5 min, D76 - 10 min, MicX - 11 min


It was a good film for some purposes, try it before you toss it.



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