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w/nw The Pause that Refreshes

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I think we should give Tom the benefit of the doubt by assuming he was joking, and just isn't very good at it. Being in an academic environment, I'm surrounded by young but legal women every day, and this is one of those, and a nice specimen. Not that it matters, since as far as I know there's no law against photographing someone drinking coca cola, regardless of age.


Anyway, I like the shots.

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Okay, I have gone digital. The R-D1 is a nice camera! This isn't the upgraded version, as I have not figured out how to do the firmware upgrade, but I find it gives good results. One needs to be happy with a relatively narrow range of focal lengths though ... Epson/Cosina knew what they were doing when they put in frames for 28, 35 and 50 ... those are exactly the focal lengths this camera works best with. I find the 28m which gives you a 40mm field of view, is just about "what you see is what you get" in the finder.
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