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This Forum - some musings

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I've spent a lot of time reading the postings - questions and responses of this forum, and frankly enjoy most of the peripheral and off-topic issues. I recently inquired about the 15mm voigt. Heliar and was gratified by the responses.




It appears, however, that some will not tolerate anything but the most narrow focus on the nuts and bolts aspects of mechanics or optics. I think that is a shame. I think that Leica photography should be seen as more than the sum of its parts - it would be nice to have a greater exchange of ideas and observations concerning the relationship of the tools to personal or artistic goals and challanges; how the equipment may be utilized to promote a certain approach, or enhance a perticular way of seeing.




A little more tolerance and a little less "one-up-manship" may be helpful. I'm tempted to wonder, if a photographer's character and graciousness of spirit may, in the main, be inverse to the cost or pedigree of his equipment?

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I concur. What is really sad is when someone objects to a subject

of the post, and then attempts to drag it through the mud with their

own strange rantings. See below about the person objecting to the

post about places, and going on about lithium or some strange

tangent. Sheesh...

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I agree, Art. For me, the term "Leica Photography" has very little

to do with the Leica products themselves, but more with how the

camera is used, regardless of brand. For me it's that very

intimate "slice of life" photo...the in-close, on-the-street





If I see a shot like this, I always think, Leica, even if it was made

with a Contax, Nikon, or a point and shoot.

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Art. You make some good points. But the other side of that coin is

that there are some posters who criticize the discussion of optics,

mechanics, equipment, and Leica collectibles with equal vehement and

contempt. These people think this website should be confined to a

discussion of images, not Leica products. This forum is hosted by

the Leica Historical Society of America, so Leicas and their history

are a major subject of interest. That includes CV products and in

general Leica thread lenses/cameras from other manufacturers. Most

people have no problem with that.

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For me the concept of "Leica Photography" carries with it a definite

expectation of "excellence," not just in the equipment, but in the

images and level of discussion. Somehow posts like, "Critique my

baby pictures," and "What do you think of Hasselblad," and "The

Places I Like to Go (On My Summer Vacation)," seem to me inappropiate

to this forum. How about the "My first pictures with my new M6"

posts? Great! I'm glad you're out there making pictures, but why

don't you come back and show what you can do after 4 or 5 years of

practice. If they're good, I'll enjoy seeing them (if you still need

critique put them on photo.net). I expect a high degree of

excellence on a Leica Forum -- don't insult me with amateurish crap!

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"Leica"....."photography".....two words and any topic relating at

least one word or a combination of the two are forum worthy.

Besides, equipment talk and photography talk by themselves

does get a little boring at times.




A little differnece of opinion here and there is healthy as long as

it doesn't get insulting. I mean I visit this foum for a differnce of

opinion and if I am to criticise someone for that reason I am only

mocking myself.

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I have in my possession a beautiful "baby picture" of myself in my

mother's arms. The negative came from my father's Argus, but

remarkably, the beautiful print was made by one of the most gifted

european artist-photographers of that period - Albert Rudomine.

My father met Rudomine during the war and they became close friends.

My father was an amateur. If Rudomine - a true "master" - had been

self-important, imperious, or disdaining, it is possible, likely,

that much would have been different for me, and I may never have

discovered photography to be the wonderful vehicle of personal

expression that I have drawn upon for over thirty years.

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<i>I'm tempted to wonder, if a photographer's character and

graciousness of spirit may, in the main, be inverse to the cost or

pedigree of his equipment?</i>




I don't think that's the case. You get all kinds (and all kinds of

moods) among any group. Actually, it's been my experience that most

"Leica snobs" at least have a sense of humor about their obsession,

whereas the "anti-Leica snobs" tend to be much more self-righteous.

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Alas! - it seems it may be necessary to clarify my intention when I

wrote the last line: "I'm tempted to wonder..... (in my original

post) - it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but with some possible

applicability in those "where-the-shoe-fits" instances.

Also, I'm not advocating the dilution of the Leicacentricism of this

forum - far be it! - THAT'S WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT!!!





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Is this an exclusive club for people with several years' experience

with their Leicas? I don't think so...what the heck would they need

this forum for then? Any photo forum would suffice then for

critiquing photos. Now new-to-Leica photogs could use advice on

Leica technique to maximize their images. That is why you would get

someone asking for critiques. So in the future Wilhelmn, please

don't answer any posts requesting critiques on photos from newer-to-

Leica photogs, and we'll all be happy Herr Wilhelmn.





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You want criticism? If ask for it, I shall endeaver to comply with

both barrels. I don't believe in the dictums that "there's no such

thing as bad art," or that every student should be given a passing

grade so their feelings won't be hurt. More is to be learned from

one piece of honest, informed harsh criticism than a hundred "ain't

that purdy, I like it" responses.

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Willhelmn, In spirit I totally agree with you!! Things have gotten

so relativistic that people are often afraid to voice a

legitimate ,unequivocal, opinion. But don't you think it is

preferable to be as constructive as possible in offering criticisms,

rather than opting for the means of maximum hurt?

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Let me weigh in my two cents here. I think the reason Chris has

engendered so much hostility (and this is the reason, you and

Kristian have started threads about the atititude of the readers of

this board, correct?) is that in the past week or so he has started

a large number of threads -- some on topic, some very much off

topic. After awhile, it seemed like he was posting every little thing

that came to mind, unfiltered. Every few months you see this

happen on this board. Someone starts a large number of

threads and people get angry (for example, Alfie's inane posts a

few months back).

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Elliot wrote, "This forum is hosted by the Leica Historical Society

of America, so Leicas and their history are a major subject of


Not actually true. We are linked from the LHSA links page, but

we're only hosted by Philip Greenspun's LUSENET bulletin board

system. The forum was created by me using his domain and software.

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