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Should I use Kodak Elite Chrome ?

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hi there,


I plan to go in Sri Lanka in January, and I'm wondering If I should

use Elite chrome films.

I'm used to use Fuji Sensia 100, but few months ago i've used an elite

chrome I and the result suits me, but I've read that Elite chrome is a

bit redish, and is not really adapted for Portraits ....

As I will be shooting either Scenics, landscapes and people, I 'm

wondering If I should use this kind of film.


I've noticed that there was two kinds of elite chrome, (the one I've

used was the Elite chrome 100 not the Extra color).

Which one would you recommend me ? (I like saturation, but not

excessive saturation)


thanks in advance for your feedback.


Best regards. -gilles.

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If you like Sensia why change? Sensia is a great film. What are you looking to gain with the Elite Chrome?


Will you be scanning the chromes? If so use the Sensia to preserve good skin tones, add some saturation in PS if needed for the scenics.

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Sure, I'm a big fan of Sensia, and Astia. I tried Elite Chrome a few times and it can be nice but one issue I had with it was too many defects in the film emulsion. This would give small "holes" evident in big open areas like skies. Easily fixed with a clone tool but nonetheless...


You know, if you are scanning you might consider color neg films. In particular Kodak 400UC has very good grain, more speed, better latitude than the slide films, really good color saturation and has nice skin tones too. Others I like a lot are Fuji Reala and Kodak Gold 100 and 200.

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I move from neg to slides for 2 main reasons. the first one is the color... With a slide you can always check what you are doing when scanning, and correct things if there is something wrong .... Which is not the case with negs. The second point is the grain. There is too much post processing in fine tuning tools in order to reduce the grain (to me).


On the other side, I agree with you the latitude of slides are really narrow, but I've a camera that never gives me bad things on this side (EOS1N). Sometimes when I'm not sure, I just bracket ....


For your info, I mainly use FUJI Reala (on my second body - EOS5). I like this film too.


Brgds -Gilles. http://gxiberras.free.fr

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I've never experienced any kind of "holes" in my Elite Chrome slides. I think EB-3 (= the current Elite Chrome 100) is perhaps the nicest film Kodak makes, overall. I use that, and E100VS, and GX as well as some Velvia 100/100F and a bit of Astia though I'm not a big fan of the current Astia.


Elite Chrome 100 is great for forest scenics (the greens are IMO more true than with Fujichromes), architecture in sunlight, night city scenes, that sort of stuff.

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Good morning from cold New York City. First, do you need someone to carry your bags?


Now, to get serious, I have used the current Elite Chrome emulsion (regular, not Extra) since it has been offered, and have been quite pleased with it.


I have not had any problems with film quality. Until a few months ago, I sent my film to Kodak to be developed. Now, to reduce developing costs, I send my rolls to the Fuji lab. Boths labs do an excellent processing and mounting job.


As per the film, to my eye it is a bit more contrasty than Sensia. To me, its contrast and saturation would put it between the Fuji Astia/Sensia and Provia emulsions. I do not see a pronounced red shift in my portraits. Whites appear clean.


If you wish to use the Elite chrome emulsion, I would recommend the 100 and not the Extra. As to the difference between Elite Chome and Sensia, only you eye can tell which one is preferable to you.


Enjoy your trip.

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Gilles, I work at Kodak and helped design Ektachrome and Elitechrome films. For my recent vacations, I used the Elitechrome100 for the same applications you describe. The colors are sufficiently saturated for landscapes and nature (especially with a polarizer), but I still get pleasing skin tones for family shots. EliteChrome100 was designed as an all-around film, and good skin reproduction is a large part of that. I would choose this over the ExtraColor version. ExtraColor has significantly more saturation and is slightly sharper; it's very nice for scenics, landscapes, nature; but is not recommended for portraits and people. By all means try a roll or two (but don't overdo the polarizer!), but I think the regular EliteChrome100 is a better choice if you can only carry one type of film. It sounds like you have tried the EliteChrome -- how did people/portraits look in your hands? If you liked it, go ahead and use it and don't worry what others say.


Mr. Sintchak's comments about emulsion defects have me baffled -- I know we carefully monitor coating quality of these products. I wonder if there are some processing/handling issues at play here.

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They do have slightly different colours, but comparable sharpness so it really comes down to personal preference. I prefer the Elite's colour renditons but the standard EB3/100 is not available in Canada and since the EBX extra colour is a very different film I use Sensia.


Look at your slides and decide which one you prefer, as both current versions are excellent - you won't go wrong with either.



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According to Kodak's website, Elite Chrome 100 is available in Canada. I suppose your store has given you false information. In any case, the extra color stuff and the higher speeds are pretty useless IMO. EBX may have some use, but EB-3 is much more versatile and a better film. It would be highly strange if they didn't import it somewhere yet did so for other members of the family.
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We are deviating from the initial question but the Kodak Canada website appears to be incorrect. No store in my community (500,000+ near Toronto) that I have checked nor the major online Canadian retailers list it, and when asked directly all have stated it is not available. When I contacted Kodak Canada I was told it was "not set up for sale in Canada".


This is consist with my experience with other Kodak products, only the low end consumer or true pro films seem to get imported - the EB3 and "prosumer" print films like the HD and RG products were impossible to find, presumably because if insufficent demand.


I realize I could order from places in the US such as B&H but the hassle and duties didn't seem worth the difference from Sensia which is available almost everywhere.



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Gilles - why not take some of both ? Also, is the "not recommended for portrait" advice applicable to all skin colours ? I would imagine that a perfect film for taking a caucasian portrait would be different for a Sri Lankan.


Kodak slide film rocks.


(Thank you Thomas !)

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I like Elite Chrome 100 (EB-3) too, it seems more snappy than Sensia but still with excellent skin colours. A bit like Provia, but with a slightly smoother contrast, a bit more neutral, much less reddish skin colour, cheaper. I didn't notice any defects, might depend on development, but I did not scan at 4000 dpi. And I don't know how Sri Lanka skin colours are rendered.
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I don't see any red in the posted shot. In fact to me I don't see any

color cast at all. The honey colored mideast fleshtones are as

they should be when exposed to outdoor light.


Sampled different areas of the image and most of the neutrals

have a slight reduction in the red channel. The black shadow

area is balanced to 5000K or there abouts.

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