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Where does one find the worst photos on PN?

Landrum Kelly

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I hate to sound so negative, but I have been presuming that the worst

photos were tending to come across through the Rate Recent category,

only to find that some of the most gauche work on the site is going

all the way to the Top Rated Photos. There is no solution for that

that I can see, since popular tastes are what they are. Even so, I am

struck by the unevenness of the entries that make it to the TRPs. I

know that others have critiqued the TRPs for years, but it just

struck me today that, if one really wants to find the worst, sometimes

the easiest way is to see what the _demos_ call the best. If that

sounds elitist, so be it. This is a great site, but there is and

apparently cannot be a way to direct us to the best photos short of

the usual browsing.



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Lannie, I think the problem is exactly the attempt at categorizing photos by their Apparent Quality. I've come to the conclusion long ago that every picture has special significance to its author, and to rate it is about as insensitive as categorizing people and rating them by their lack of manners, not to mention that it's an inexact science. <br><br>I believe good pictures are everywhere if one's intent is to learn, likewise less than perfectly executed images are also widespread if one wishes to engage in some meaningful way. To reduce what comes from the heart into meaningless integers becomes just that - meaningless.
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one place to try is any of my folders.


The other possibility is to go the the top rated top page and instead of clicking on next, click on previous....this will bring you to the end of the line, photos that get a few ratings and usually not very high ones.


what I find sometimes that a lot of photos dont seem to be at a minimum of intent = composition choices, some kind of appropriate exposure (lots of shots that could use fill flash either at the moment of capture or in post processing manipulation), sharpness - and maybe some more editing, checking on the emotional/intellectual power or impact of the shot....the anti-bland.


I happen to specialize in the near bland and the bland.


but I do have fun taking the photos. : )

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Bill, I have tried to do what you said and I hit "Previous." You are on to something, and, though I embarrassed myself even in my solitude, I found myself laughing out loud, knowing all too well that many of mine are laughable as well.


I think that I shall stop shooting for awhile and start working on "Photo.net: The Novel." It will be about all the trysts on PN, of course: "Desperate Photographers," whatever.



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I've looked over the 'world of bad' works of WJ and John, but they are better than mine are. So are Knicki's and so are yours Lannie. I need not even say anything about Marc - he is clearly better than I am, and so is Michael... I cannot say whether I am the worst on PN, but come on guys: I'm worse than you!
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Nothing that I have said is as funny as that, Marc, but you might be right about that strategy--depending.


As for the others, the consistently worst photographers are not reading this because they have no idea that they are so bad.


It is sort of like the paradox of wisdom, is it not? You are only wiser when you begin to realize how little you know, and you are wisest of all when you realize that you know nothing. I am getting there.


Vis-a-vis photography, may I say, to paraphrase Linda Ronstadt, that I must be getting better because I know only one thing: I'm no good, I'm no good, I'm no good, baby, I'm no good.



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I hadn't tried the back-arrow thing. Very cool! And I agree -- many of the worst-rated photos are more interesting than the top ones.


It seems to me the top photos are mostly ones that demonstrate some technical mastery, either of photography or Photoshop. A lot of people are impressed by this, because they know they don't have the technical skills to do similar work. But mostly they are unimaginative, and quite a few are in really bad taste.

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Peter, you hurt me so much. I do not see how you can look at my 'dozer' shot on my main page and fail to see that it is one of the great undiscovered masterpieces of fine art photography.


Yes, I admit, this thread has all been about sour grapes from the beginning, but I have come to my senses: I desperately WANT my 'dozer shot to be up there with the TRPs, or else at least to garner the PoW which I so richly deserve for doing the best farm equipment fine art shot in history.


Perry, that's not a bad shot of a snake.



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