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Since january 4 th i've post 8 photos, which atracted 47 000 views,

89 ratings for an average somewhere around 5.something and out of

all that, ONLY 14 comments.


14 comments out of 47 000 views.... thats 1 out of 3357.14 viewers

who dare leaving a comment. What should i understand? am'i the only



ever wonder why many peoples are tempted to join a mate rates club?

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You are not alone, Pascal. But for most of us, visibility is limited to the approximately four minutes that our photo is on the gallery page after being submitted for critique. Then it goes to the rate recent queue, where people rush by it and may leave a rating, but don't usually leave a comment.


That's life on Pnet these days.

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Pascal, seems to me the system works against comments even more so than before. Anonymous ratings are what count for TRP so it would take a diligent person to leave an anonymous rating and a comment. Furthermore those that are most interested in a particular type of photo (category) are penalized as their anonymous rating doesnt count towards TRP. It has left an even wider gap between those chasing TRP and those motivated to gain insights into improving their photos and little to no middle ground. The critique only category was supposed to address the needs of the latter group but i dont think that has been very successful. Maybe take a leaf out of the mate raters book. Form your own group of people who exchange comments and tips on each others photos. I dont know if they still exist but one group was even setting assignments and submitting critiques. Submitting a photo for rating and critique has been a very poor way to get comments or tips on improving photos. I think the forums are much more useful for that though you are not supposed to ask for specific critiques. TRP is what gets people in the door. TRP is not what will keep you here most likely and i bet neither will submitting photos for critique. Perhaps the site should encourage critique only groups (e.g. based on category) as a way to sustain membership longer term. Nothing too burdensome but sufficient infrastructure to encourage and support such groups. Just a thought.
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Since Jan 4th I have posted 14 photos with 35,000 views. I have only received 8 comments. Please direct me to the on-line complaint form so that I may express my moral outrage. ;-) ;-)


Seriously - get over it. Bear in mind that, unless I am mistaken, the vast majority of those "views" are probably thumbnail views. 47,000 people have not viewed your full size photo. Since January 4th, THOUSANDS of other photonetters have also uploaded photos. The majority probably received very few comments.


Join a mate rate club if you want to, although I don't know what you or anyone else will get from participating in said "club", other than an ego boost.

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Pascal, I have also noticed that feedback, whether it is ratings or comments, seems to be slower and less frequent than say, a year ago. Having said that, the only way that I have found I can get meaningful feedback is to give it, particularly in ways that encourage dialogues with people interested in going back and forth about our different photos. You've given three times as many ratings as you have comments. I suggest just commenting (including responding to eveyrone who leaves you feedback, checking back and following up when someone responds to your comments, looking to comment on the work of people who themselves leave a lot of comments, commenting in categories that you also post in) for a long while and see what happens. Althought it may not be enough, my guess is that it will improve things for you. As an example, leave 5 comments every time you visit the site and see if things improve.
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Pascal, as far as I can see, you seem to have commented on 9 different photos by 8 different photographers (besides yourself) since Jan. 4. Therefore, the comments you've received are more than proportionate to the number that you've given. It seems to me that you're actually receiving more comments than you should expect to receive. Is my logic is skewed?
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I joined Pnet in 2004, at the time i was totaly new to photography and of course believe it or not, i was an even worst photographer than i'm today. Most of my photo posted then received significantly more comments then they do today and peoples where giving generous comments and tips on how to improve my skill. Now, i think i've reach the status of' lets say' "average" photographer and i no longer receive comments... still i need to improve, believe me.


Steve, i understand your point but this alone is a debate in itself, personaly, i don't want to get involved in a "kiss my butt if you want me to kiss your's in return" kind of system. I was not very active lately for many reasons but i'm often a lot more pro-active than now. My post is not realy a complaint but a serious questioning about what happened between then and now ? I understyand that 47000 views is not really 47000 views but i never received that many in such a short time and the counting system is the same i think than the one they where using back in the days when i was receiving 1500 -2000 views per images and 5 - 10 comments most of the times....


I'm not planing to change the way i comment or rate, i'm not giving much so, i'm not expecting much from others in return. I'm here for fun and to see quality work and i'm well served. I enjoy every minutes i spend here but let's face it, something have change over the last 2 years!

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