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Cleaned out - all my gear stolen :(

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The following items were stolen from my car last night/this morning

(7/8 Jan 06);


Leica M7, black 0.72x

Leica Tri-Elmar II, black

Voigtlander CV 75/2.5, black

Voigtlander Classic Nokton-M 40/1.4, black

Voigtlander Heliar 15/4.5 & vf

Leica Lens carrier

numerous 35mm films

.. all in a Leica Billingham-M bag.


The b@stards have cleaned me out :( and it seems that my useless

car insurance policy won't cover the theft.



What's worrying in that the car was parked on my driveway, in

Folkingham, Lincs, UK and that someone was prowling around my house.


Anyone being offered these items should contact the UK police

immediately - the two main Leica items have also been reported to

Leica's missing dept.



Keep smiling everyone - I still have house, job, health, and a

beautiful wife and son ...

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Hi Dave

I'm very sorry for you. I can only guess how much such an incident must hurt. Hope you

still have a camera somewhere to take photos at all.

I assume you already reported the theft to the police. However, I suggest you get all the

serial numbers online as well (here (@CommunityᆲStolen Gear), for a start, then on the

rangefinderforum etc) as fast as possible. And maybe waste an hour or so to e-mail or

phone up all the camera shops around your county. Might seem futile and tedious now but

has worked before.

Good luck!


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Dave, I'm really sorry. Maybe your insurance agency will help you out nonetheless (somehow). I can't tell you anything you haven't already thought of... but... when it comes to something so small and valuable as a Leica, then just don't ever leave it in the car... (I myself would only leave it there when my dogs (e.g. German shephards or Rottweilers [both of which I don't have]) would be lurking around in the neighbourhood, OR, I'd be viewing out of the window with my rifle [which is forbidden anyways])...
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Dave I had a summilux lens stolen from my car in the street outside my house, not in a driveway. My home insurance gave me the full price for the lens. Check your home insurance again, maybe they can help a little more. Sorry mate.



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Very sorry Dave to hear of your misfortune. I don't know how insurance works in UK but in States it is possible to "schedule" or specifically include particular items such as jewelry, firearms, or photographic equipment to overcome the limitations of one's homeowners or renters policy with respect to these items. It is a little expensive but provides some measure of comfort. Theoretically the items are covered anywhere in the world, including your car, from the enumerated hazards. Still, collecting any insurance claim can be a problem and no amount of insurance provides much comfort from the feeling of having been victimized.


Sorry again.

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What a horrible feeling it must have been to discover the robbery, especially if you live someplace that's been crime-free up till now. I just never leave anything of value in my car, period, but that doesn't mean someone can't break into my house. I'm thinking now that I've got Leicas and they're of great sentimental value besides monetary, of getting a fire-proof safe that's anchored in such a way it'd take a thief two hours to get it loose (we'd keep other valueables in it too not just the Leicas).
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Ouch, Dave, big ouch, looking at the map I reckon your gear will ultimately be 'fenced' in Peterborough, Nottingham or Leicester - once the thieves/recipients realise it is specialist gear. Given that the Spalding area has a reputation for having a bad 'smack' problem I would also get in touch with the local second-hand shops (like 'cash-convertors') who may well be approached - they are more than willing to shop people, it improves their reputation. I hope you have some good luck to follow the bad. Johnny.
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> "Keep smiling everyone - I still have house, job, health, and a beautiful wife and son ..."


Now, that's a great attitude, Dave. Those pieces of xxxx have stolen your gear. Don't let them steal your happiness.. All my moral support, for what it's worth.

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being violated like that can really have it's effect. I lost all my camera's to an apartment

break in...a rollie 2.8, Nikon F and 105, 50 and 28 and an M3 with 50 1.4. this was in 1971

when I was separated from my wife, working in a camera store (Lloyd's in Hollywood) and

really in some tough times. Two days later I received a notice in the mail that I had won

second prize in the International Nikon Photo Contest... a silver medal, a Nikormat and any

lens of my choice. I chose an 85 1.8 as I figured I could do most of my work with that one

lens. i also figured that I was supposed to be a photographer and later in 1972 i became

photographer/art director for Motown Records when they moved to Los Angeles. Life... it

works out in it's own way.

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My condolences Dave. I still fret about some items stolen from a storage locker 34 years ago. But, you need to get on with things, and it sounds like you've begun to do so. You might also post your mesage on the Leica Camera forum, if you haven't already done so. It wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on Ebay for a couple of weeks, esp. if you have a record of serial numbers. If you have a local newspaper, and they publish crime reports, you might agree to give them some info for a story, which at least would help spread the word of your missing items...same if you have a local cable TV channel. Good luck & I wish you success in getting back into photography before long.
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Your homeowners insurance should cover it since it happened on your property. I used to leave things in my car until my window got smashed just so they could take a pair of sunglasses and CD's. I never leave ANYTHING of value in my car, especially camera equipment. It sucks, but you can chock it up as a lesson learned. Hope you catch the bastards and get your stuff back.
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