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tomaso nigris

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I would like to know why my picture "trees early in the morning" is

not in TOP PHOTOS with this rating: There are 11 anonymous raters

who rated the photo in the "Rate Recent Photos" feature, with an

average score of 5.91 for Aesthetics, and 5.36 for Originality. Only

the anonymous ratings in the Rate Recent feature are used in some of

the Top Rated Photos rankings. Thank you.

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Tomaso, I am responding to your question because I have asked the same in the past. This is my way of paying back those who helped me. What goes around comes around.


There are three ways to rate photos on this site. They are:


(1) Direct rate the picture by going to the members portfolio or to the specific picture. This rate will not count for the TRP.


(2) Go to the Critique Requests, choose Critique by Category, choose category, the pictures then rated do not count toward the TRP.


(3) Go to the Critique Requests, choose Recent and rate the photos as they are presented. These are the only ratings that count toward the TRP!


So, why the confusion? It is because PN breaks out the Direct Ratings as in (1) but they lump all the ratings from (2) and (3) together. When you go to your picture and check your ratings, it looks like you have 11 anonymous ratings that would count toward the TRP. You may or may not. All the ratings from (2) and (3) are lumped into this number but only the admins on this site know how many of that 11 come from (3). That is why they have that little disclaimer "Only the anonymous ratings in the Rate Recent feature are used in some of the Top Rated Photos rankings."


You may wonder why the word "some" is include in this discalimer. That is because they also selectively reduce the number of ratings on the Nudes so they do not dominate the TRP.


So, bottom line is, you just thought you could figure out that your photo should be in the TRP. Only the admins know that and they do not care to share that information. Otherwise, they would break out (2) and (3) in the details. With all that said. it is true, comments are for the members and ratings are for the site. Any questions.



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Tomaso, I think I may have an answer for you. The TRP for <i> Rate Recent Photos </i> only looks at photos that have been recently uploaded. So in your case, if you uploaded this photo, let's say a week ago, but just recently requested a critique, than it will not fall under the TRP for <i> Rate Recent Photos </i> . I maybe wrong, and Brian or whoever please correct me if I am, but this is what I have learned in the past. So I have learned to request a critique very soon after uploading the photo.
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I have read all your answers but still not understand how it works , with no reason photos are not present in the las 24 hours submitted photos even looking for O or for A , and looking only for anonymus rating or not.. I think it looks like a kind of bug
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Your most recently loaded photo only has five rate recent ratings, which is not enough to qualify for a spot in the top photos section. I suppose, though, that you are probably talking about a photo uploaded a few days ago.


Yes, we consider a photo for the TRP based on when it was uploaded to the site, not when it was submitted for critique.

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