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Odd edge problems - development


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I've processed quite a few rolls of 120 film for the past few months,

but have noticed a problem that pops up sometimes. Along the edge of

the roll - see image - I get these lines. I think it's pinching or

something while going through the plastic reels on the little rubber

balls, but I'm not quite sure. I know that it's not camera specific,

I've shot with three different cameras, and it's showed up on all

three. Any input would be most welcomed. I've tinted this image with

a platinum curve because that seems to exaggerate the problem.


Thank you.<div>00EPhP-26828484.jpg.c16c5c0101fcd444fcfb0c246de898fc.jpg</div>

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Are there any physical effects corresponding to the density changes? Such as little folds, undulations. Along the whole roll, or just part? When I have made mistakes in loading, the irregularities were not as finely spaced as this. Top of roll or bottom in every case (you might be able to tell by the orientation of the pictures.)


Any chance that it's physical pressure on the emulsion before developing that can affect subsequent density levels. Did you notice any difficulty in loading those rolls. Same reel each time? Humid weather, making the film not run smoothly into the reel?

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Not too agressive agitation - it's just been the regular inversion type. No light leaks that I know of, and it's not happening as much now. I think that it may have been how I took the film out of the reel before - I took the reel apart. But I did not notice any tell-tale wrinkles in the film, just the dark lines. But I am stumped...
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Well, from what I can see, what you have is DARK streaks. The light streaks seem to be about the same density as the sky, it is the dark areas in between that make them stand out. So what causes dark streaks?


Well, too much developer flow will do it. So what makes the developer flow there and no where else?


And, I gather, it is intermittent.


You will also note that the lines seem to be in the pattern of a radius, with the center point off the photo somewhere. So if it is developer, what would make it flow in a radius pattern?


(Heh) You may have an usolvable scientific mystery here.

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Those are flow marks. Causes vary but are related to to the movement of developer over the surface of the film. You could try a pre-soak before development. Also, when you pour in the developer, how quickly do you do it? Try to get the developer in as quickly as possible. Invert the tank four times in the first 30 seconds and then once per 30 seconds after that. Give the tank a half-turn as it stands on the bench just before each inversion. This imparts some circular motion to the developer.
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Like Frank, I've had this problem due to under-agitation, or that's what I think it was. The markings on my film were almost exactly the same type as yours, and not all the film on a roll was affected, just here and there (the best frames - ouch!) Each time it happened was with two-bath dev, with minimal agitation. When I started increasing the agitation (and thereby losing the edge effects I was seeking) the patterns went away. But so did the urge to use two-bath and minimal agitation, and I've never had thos sort of markings again.




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Actually, you have blotchy, uneven development across the entire shot not just the left edge,

but it may be hard to see on some monitors. I had this same problem when I've tried to go

with reduced agitaion, and like Neil, it was when I used a two bath developer. Now I use the

manufacturer's recommended agitation and it hasn't reoccurred.

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It is a two bath developer (diafine) and I was trying to use less agitation for better edge effects... I also tried spinning instead of inverting, but I'd be hard pressed to tell you that's what happened on this roll. But I think it's too little agitation also.


Thank you!



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