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Canon fd 85mm 1.2 SSC Asperical


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Greg thanks for you'r advice. Personally i don't care if this lens is sold. I still have poor english skills excuse me for that. I had to decide which lens to keep L or ssc asp version. I have too many L lenses 50mm1.2L, 24mm 1.4L, 85mm1.2L, 300mm 2.8L. I think my gut feeling tells me to keep this lens. If it's not sold i am keeping it. As far as my ebay listing i did best i could to describe it accuratly.
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There's a bunch of 85mm L glass at ebay US. Lots was made and everybody's got one for sale. Sellers seem to need more money than I think they should trade for. These days not many sell in the $650 and above start price. I'd say less than 10% if that. However, New ones in their red gold boxes with hood and case still pop above $800.


Of course yours is the original SSC branded one. I don't notice your yellow letter "aspherical" doing any better valuewise.


For $500 to $800 I can get two other fantastic L lenses or one white paint L supertelephoto in it's trunk.


I want a 85L or aspherical at somepoint, but when the price gets down to $300EX+ and $475 new in the box, complete.



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Thanks for you'r info MR Lindy. I don't know if you remember me. I bought couple F1-N screens from you about two years and half ago. I got carried away in ebay when it came to pro L lenses. I have most of L lenses ever made except for super telephoto lenses. This lens i am selling belongs to my father for over twenty five years, He had it since new. I never told him i have such collection of L lenses. This is why it was given to me. This lens element have more of amber warm color then L lenses, it looks awsome when you mount it on F1N. It is very heavy built lens then L. I know fellow FD member criticize me, for not taking off filter for photos of the lens. This is way i take care of my lenses. I don't buy lenses unless it has filter on it. Lindy you know and i know there is dust spec on all lenses. Have you ever seen any vintage lenses without any dust inside? There is so many wanna b photogrpher experts out there. Anyway if my lens dosen't sell i am going to keep it. I think $470 starting price is very reasonable.
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I agree Soo $470 is very resonable to start. It will likely close above that price. $650 and above seems tough these days for any 85mm aspherical and I personally am holding out for other primes before I finially get either version 85mm 1.2. My simple 1.8 serves me well though I've read of the exceptional color that the 85mm L's produce and do look foward to owning one at some point. I surprised you'd want to part with this family heirloom. My dad had a Argus C3 when I was growing up and I'd rather seen the world back then thru a 85mm 1.2 aspherical instead.
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Lindy i know it was hard decision. L or ssc asp, i might regret it in future. I am trying to move to F3 nikkor lenses. The SSC asp 85mm lens is too darn heavy to tote around. built like a tank very well built, but L lens is slightly lighter to carry around. At start $470 this is superb lens. Glass and mechanic conditions are flawless minus dust. They say it has same coating as L, but to me SSC asp version have different type of glow to there lens. Did you see this ssc asp on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7552368263&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 beauty but you be scare to use it. Belongs on glass case, it is too pretty. I guess my lens is a keeper............
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Indeed Soo, that 85mm asp you've linked has my top 2 bids right now but no reserve met. New in the box is a big plus for me since I collect fd. I'll assume it's winner won't be me and instead it will be shipped outside the USA. These yellow letter asphericals always go abroad.


I agree with your amber coatings observation, the optics are not identical. Others have and will argue the point and thats all fine with me. I still quitely disagree. They are different optically. I've read many glowing 85L reviews. In fact I have never read any review that was less than stellar for the 85L.



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Lindy i am sure winner comes from japan. The pictures makes my mouth water just looking at it. This is pro lens for sure. lenses are made to be used not to be in glass case. Lindy i don't know if you saw my listing lately. Somebody is trying to jew me down on my lens. I rather keep it. One thing about SSC ASP versions, barrel of the lens marks to easy. Kind a like original F1 poor weak paint finish. There is always buyers out there for such a beautiful examples.
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I find it appalling Soo Choi would make that statement. Mr. Choi, it is not acceptable to link any race with a particular behavior.


If there is still a moderator on this forum (I haven't seen a posting from David Goldfarb in months) I'd appreciate the deletion of Soo Choi last posting.


And to Lindy's last post "In fact I have never read any review that was less than stellar for the 85L" You have to search through the Zeiss (Contax/Leica) user forums to find one.

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Soo, at this point you shouldn't take less than $470 for the heirloom. It'll likely sell for more than start price. But, not to me as I want to see where the boxed example closes and as I mentioned earlier, 85mm focal length is not on my short want list.


Japan, Macau, Hong Kong, ect... I've noticed the orient is buying up fd collectable equiptment and from what I've seen over the last 7 years at ebay. With high shipping fees and customs duties still the equiptment leaves the US.


Gregory, why not supply these links for each negative review concerning the FD 85mm L at the leica forum.


Haven't you sold off all your FD equiptment Greg? Are you still using FD? I have no clue what your ebay handle is, so I didn't notice any of their sales. But I thought a few months back at the yahoo fd forum you mentioned your departure from fd using your "fox news fan" handle?



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<<trying to jew me down>>


This is disgusting!! I'm Jewish and take extreme offense to this insulting remark. Think back in history, Soo Choi, to when your people suffered from such descriptions and maybe you'll have more sense in the future. (and *bad* English is NO EXCUSE!!!)



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Sorry if i offended anyone. I love everyone including you greg. I just made "WRONG" choice of words. And for greg it dosen't matter what lens you use, it depends on photographer. You can use plain old SSC 50mm lens and take better pictures.
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