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w/nw: A few more Katrina pics...

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I do think it is an important subject, photographically interesting and I definitely think you should keep shooting to collect a meaningful body of work on it.


I also think there are repetitions in the pictures you posted (in this thread and previous ones) and that some editing will have to be done if you plan to use them seriously (book, exhibition).


I do look at all the pictures you post in these threads but I don't find much to say. Photographically I do have an opinion but the subject matter being more important than the pictures themselves, I usually prefer to look silently.


I do agree with the posters above in that you SHOULD continue to post these. I'm NOT getting tired of looking at them.

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Dennis, Michael, Trevor, Tony and a few others said it well, and express what I feel. Sometimes saying too much says too little, but silence in the cyber-world says nothing. I have long appreciated your photography, but these photos put your work into a different category altogether. I appreciate them greatly. Thank you.
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I don't normally care about disasters and the affects these things have on people, primarily because I don't know the people affected. But when Dennis posted his original images I remember telling people at work about a bloke I knew of on the internet; a kind, decent, witty, man, a good photographer, a lawyer whose life had been turned inside out by K. I showed Dennis' images to people at work and they all said, "how the hell do you handle stuff like this?."


Powerful stuff.

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Hope you're not getting tired of these...


Nope, never get tired of photos. Only get tired of folk not looking further than the nearest corner.


My mate Willy Shakes would say......


Something to do with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.


Myself, chin up mate......don't let the b's grind you down.


There's always a new dawn.

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